Connectionists: Call for Applications: Summer School on Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Learning (IMOL): June 27 - July 3

Jochen Triesch triesch at
Tue Jan 8 08:04:56 EST 2019

We invite applications from PhD students and post-docs to participate in our summer school:

"Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Learning (IMOL)"

Place: Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany
Dates: June 27 to July 3, 2019

*Participation is free of charge, but participants must cover their own travel and lodging.*

Topics will include:
- Intrinsic Motivations
- Architectures for open-ended learning
- Deep reinforcement learning
- Multi-task reinforcement learning
- Curriculum learning
- Goal self-generation
- Goal-based skill learning
- Modularity and hierarchies
- Ethics of open-ended learning

List of confirmed speakers (more to be added):

Gianluca Baldassarre (organizer)
Marc Bellemare
Luc Berthouze
Stephane Doncieux
Kenji Doya
Petar Kormushev
Georg Martius
Kathryn Merrick (organizer)
Yukie Nagai
Nicolas Navarro-Guerrero
Kevin O'Regan
Daniel Polani
Elmar Rueckert
Vieri Giuliano Santucci (organizer)
Bertram E. Shi
Céline Teulière
Jochen Triesch (organizer)

How to Apply:
1. Prepare a letter of intent and CV (single PDF)
2. Arrange for a letter for recommendation to be sent by your supervisor
Both should be sent to: triesch at by January 27th, 2019.

The school is organized with funding from the European GOAL-Robots project:

Happy learning,
  Jochen Triesch

Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch
Johanna Quandt Research Professor
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Tel: +49 (0)69 798-47531
Fax: +49 (0)69 798-47611

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