Connectionists: [CfP] ISWC 2019 - Call for Research, In-use, Resource and Doctoral Consortium papers
International Semantic Web Conference
iswc.conf at
Mon Feb 18 12:26:05 EST 2019
18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019)
“Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Linked Schemas and AI on the Web”
Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October, 2019
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier venue for
presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and applications
concerning semantics, data, and the Web. It is the most important
international venue to discuss and present latest advances and applications
of the semantic Web, knowledge graphs, linked data, ontologies and
artificial intelligence (AI) on the Web.
ISWC attracts a large number of high quality submissions every year and
participants from both industry and academia. ISWC brings together
researchers from different areas, such as artificial intelligence,
databases, natural language processing, information systems, human computer
interaction, information retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate,
develop and use novel methods and technologies for accessing, interpreting
and using information on the Web in a more effective way.
Follow us:
Twitter: @iswc_conf , #iswc_conf ( )
Become part of ISWC 2019 by submitting to the following tracks & activities
or just attend them!
(All deadlines are midnight Hawaii time.)
In this announcement:
* Highlights
1. Call for Research papers
2. Call for In-use papers
3. Call for Resource papers
4. Call for Doctoral Consortium
* Highlights
* Research, In-use and Resource tracks: submission of the same work to
multiple tracks is not allowed and may result in a rejection of the work
across all tracks without a review. Before submitting, authors are asked to
consult the calls of the other tracks featured at ISWC 2019 and to choose
the track that best suits their contribution. Please consult the following
page as well when deciding to which track to submit:
* Research track: papers submitted to the research track will be subject
to **double blind** peer review.
* Research track: a reproducibility certification with a dedicated review
board will be proposed to the accepted research track papers that include a
significant experimental evaluation.
* Doctoral Consortium: papers submitted to the doctoral consortium will be
subject to **double blind** peer review.
1. Call for Research papers
In this track of ISWC 2019, we are looking for novel and significant
research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical
aspects of the Semantic Web. While we welcome work that relates to the W3C
Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL, SPARQL, etc.), we also
encourage contributions to research at the intersection of Semantic Web and
other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track should
describe original, significant, and replicable research on the Semantic
Web. All papers must include method evaluations that are rigorous,
repeatable and reproducible. This will be one of the key paper reviewing
criteria. We also strongly encourage papers that provide material such as
data sets, source code, queries used to evaluate their approach, and/or
live deployments. To comply with the double blind review policy we
encourage the usage of non-personal storage spaces or the additional
material facility available at submission time.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Database, information retrieval, information extraction, natural
language processing and artificial intelligence techniques for the Semantic
* Knowledge representation and reasoning on the Web
* Knowledge graphs and deep semantics
* Machine learning and data mining methods for the Semantic Web
* Data mining and knowledge discovery in Linked data and ontologies
* Robust and scalable management of semantics and data on the Web and in
Linked Data
* Processing and storage of semantic data on the blockchain
* Methods to investigate and catalogue semantic primitives used in
ontology definitions
* Enabling access to ontologies and knowledge bases by rendering the
knowledge in different modalities, e.g. as natural language text,
explanatory video, interactive elements, etc.
* Languages, tools, and methodologies for representing and managing
semantics and data on the Web
* Programming the Semantic Web
* Architectures and algorithms for extreme volume, heterogeneity,
dynamicity, and decentralization of Semantic Web data
* Cleaning, quality assurance, and provenance of Semantic Web data,
services, and processes
* Ontology-based data access and integration/exchange on the Web
* Ontology engineering and ontology patterns for the Web
* Ontology modularity, mapping, merging, and alignment for the Web
* Search, query, integration, and analysis on the Semantic Web
* Supporting multi-linguality in the Semantic Web
* Question answering over Linked Data and ontologies
* Information visualization and exploratory analysis methods for Semantic
Web data
* Semantic social network mining, analysis, representation, and management
* Crowdsourcing semantics; methods, dynamics, and challenges
* Geospatial semantics and data on the Web
* Data streams and the Internet of Things
* Semantic technologies for mobile platforms
* Trust, privacy, and security on the Semantic Web
* Semantic Web and Linked Data for cloud environments
* Access control and privacy in semantic data
Further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: April 3, 2019
Full papers: April 10, 2019
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-program at
Chiara Ghidini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
Olaf Hartig, Linköping University, Sweden
2. Call for In-use papers
The adoption of Semantic Web technologies has accelerated in recent years,
where they are now deployed in a variety of real-world settings at a
variety of scales. The In-Use Track at ISWC 2019 continues the tradition of
demonstrating and learning from the increasing adoption of Semantic Web
technologies by providing a forum for the community to explore the benefits
and challenges of applying such technologies in concrete, practical use
cases, beyond the research communities from which they originate, in
contexts ranging from industry to government and science.
The In-Use Track thus seeks submissions describing applied and validated
solutions such as software tools, systems or architectures that benefit
from the use of Semantic Web technologies (including, but not limited to,
technologies based on the Semantic Web standards). Importantly, submitted
papers should provide convincing evidence of the use of the proposed
application or tool by the target user group, preferably outside the group
that conducted the development and, more broadly, outside the Semantic Web
research community. A main focus of the submissions should be on the
benefits of Semantic Web technologies for the intended use case, as well as
(if relevant) the added challenges they introduce.
We welcome submissions that demonstrate the use of Semantic Web
technologies such as those mentioned in the Call for Papers of the Research
Track, and additionally cover one or more of the following topics:
* Applications in domain-specific areas (e.g., libraries, cultural
heritage, healthcare, life sciences, engineering, smart manufacturing,
smart cities, open government)
* Description and analysis of concrete and novel problems or use cases in
a specific domain in which Semantic Web technologies were applied (this
should be part of submissions presenting a concrete application)
* Descriptions of how Semantic Web resources (ontologies, datasets,
software, standards, etc) are being used in practice
* Assessment of the Semantic Web technologies from diverse points of view,
such as:
- Usability and acceptance by stakeholder groups
- Uptake outside the Semantic Web research community
- Scalability of Semantic Web solutions and their large scale
- Technical strengths and weaknesses especially in comparison with
alternative technologies (e.g., database management systems, model-driven
- Costs and benefits of implementing, deploying, using, and
managing Semantic Web technologies
- Risks and opportunities of using Semantic Web technologies in
organizations with respect to their businesses and customers
* Lessons learned and best practices from deploying and using an
application or service based on Semantic Web technologies
* Comparison of Semantic Web technologies with alternative approaches that
use conventional or competing technologies
Further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: April 3, 2019
Full papers: April 10, 2019
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-in-use at
Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Aidan Hogan, Universidad de Chile, Chile
3. Call for Resource papers
Resources are of paramount importance as they foster scientific
advancement. For example, the DBpedia resource had a major influence on the
Semantic Web community by enabling the Linked (Open) Data movement.
Validating a research hypothesis or providing answers to a research
question often goes together with developing new resources that support
these achievements. Sharing resources is key to allow other researchers to
compare new results, reproduce experimental settings and explore new lines
of research, in accordance with the FAIR principles for scientific data
management. Yet, resources themselves rarely get the same recognition as
the scientific advances they facilitate.
The ISWC 2019 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources
including, but not restricted to: datasets, ontologies/vocabularies,
ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or methods, software
tools/services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing task
designs, protocols, methodologies and metrics, that contribute to the
generation of novel scientific work. In particular, we encourage the
sharing of such resources following best practices within the Semantic Web
community. This track calls for contributions that provide a concise and
clear description of a resource and its usage.
A typical Resource track paper has its focus set on reporting on one of the
following categories of resources:
* Datasets produced
- to support specific evaluation tasks;
- to support novel research methods;
- by novel algorithms;
* Ontologies, vocabularies and ontology design patterns, with a focus on
describing the modelling process and decisions underlying their creation;
* Benchmarking activities focusing on datasets and algorithms for
comprehensible and systematic evaluation of existing and future systems;
* Reusable research prototypes / services supporting a given research
* Community-shared software frameworks that can be extended or adapted to
support scientific study and experimentation;
* Scientific and experimental workflows used and reused in practical
* Novel evaluation methodologies and metrics, and their demonstration in
an experimental study.
Further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: April 3, 2019
Full papers: April 10, 2019
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-resource at
Maria Maleshkova, SDA, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Vojtěch Svátek, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
4. Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers
The ISWC 2019 Doctoral Consortium will take place as part of the 18th
International Semantic Web Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. This forum
will provide PhD students an opportunity to share and develop their
research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, to get feedback
from mentors who are senior members of the Semantic Web research community,
to explore issues related to academic and research careers, and to build
relationships with other Semantic Web PhD students from around the world.
The Consortium aims to broaden the perspectives and to improve the research
and communication skills of these students.
The Doctoral Consortium is intended for students who have a specific
research proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient
time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium
experience. Generally, students in their second or third year of PhD will
benefit the most from the Doctoral Consortium. In the Consortium, the
students will present their proposals and get specific feedback and advice
on how to improve their research plan.
All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a thorough
reviewing process with a view to providing detailed and constructive
feedback. The international program committee will select - submissions for
presentation at the Doctoral Consortium.
Students with accepted submissions at the Doctoral Consortium will be
eligible to apply for travel fellowships to offset some of the travel
costs but they will be asked to attend the whole day of the Doctoral
We ask the PhD students to submit a 12 page description of their PhD
research proposal. All proposal have to be submitted electronically via the
EasyChair conference submission System. The proposal text must have at
least 8 sections (some can be very short), addressing each of the following
1. Problem statement: What is the problem that you are addressing?
2. Relevancy: Why is the problem important? Who will benefit if you
succeed? Who should care?
3. Related work: How have others attempted to address this problem? Why is
the problem difficult?
4. Research question(s): What are the research questions that you plan to
5. Hypotheses: What hypotheses are related to your research questions? See
Is This Really Science? The Semantic Webber’s Guide to Evaluating Research
6. Preliminary results: Do you have any preliminary results that
demonstrate that your approach is promising?
7. Approach: How are you planning to address your research questions and
test your hypotheses? What is the main idea behind your approach? The key
8. Evaluation plan: How will you measure your success – faster/ more
accurate/ less failures/ etc.? How do you plan to test your hypothesis?
What will you measure? What will you compare to?
9. Reflections: Why do you think you will succeed where others failed?
Provide an argument, based either on common knowledge or on evidence that
you have accumulated, that your approach is likely to succeed.
Further info:
== Important Dates ==
Full papers due April 17, 2019
Notifications May 15, 2019
Camera-ready papers due June 14, 2019
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-doctoral-consortium at
Miao Qiao, Computer Science Department, the University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
See you all in Auckland!
The ISWC 2019 Organising Team ( )
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