Connectionists: VISUM 2020 :: Vision Understanding & Machine Intelligence Summer School :: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

Inês Domingues inesdomingues at
Wed Dec 4 21:52:17 EST 2019

[image: call_for_app.jpg]

Do you want a *great opportunity to get on the cutting edge* of Computer
Vision and Machine Learning fields? Check on *VISUM 2020.*
The 8th edition of the Vision Understanding and Machine Intelligence
(VISUM) Summer School will take place between* 2 and 10, July 2020*, at
Universidade Portucalense (UPT), in *Porto, Portugal*.

World-renowned experts in the field will deliver the courses, with
both *theoretical
& practical sessions*, covering the topics:

   - *Introduction to Machine Learning and Computer Vision* | by Jaime
   Cardoso, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (PT)
   - *Machine Learning on Kubernets* | by Markus Bauer, Webfleet Solutions
   - *Action Recognition in Video* | by Pascal Mettes, University of
   Amsterdam (NL)
   - *Optimal Transport in Computer Vision* | by Nicolas Courty, IRISA (FR)
   - *Explanable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)* | by Mauricio Reyes, Insel
   Gruppe (CH)
   - *Deep Learning and Kernel Machines* | Johan Suykens, KU Leuven (BE)
   - *Information Security* | by Marta Gomez-Barrero, da/sec (DE)

Aside from the opportunity to learn with top-notch speakers, you will have
the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice, in a *competition
organized by VISUM and Abyssal S.A.*
You will also benefit from direct interaction with representatives from
research companies (NILG.AI, Deloitte, Smartex, Yoonik, Heptasense and
on a *day fully dedicated to Industry applications (with some suprises

As talent should be rewarded, we will grant *prizes* for the competition
winning team (sponsored by TBA) and the Industry Challenge winners
(sponsored by NILG.AI).

Dont' miss the *application deadline*, *20 March, 2020.*

To know more about details, please visit our website  and
send an email to visum at to be eligible to apply to the VISUM
summer school 2020.
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