Connectionists: PhD position - Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Constantin Rothkopf
rothkopf at
Wed Aug 21 15:14:04 EDT 2019
The Centre for Cognitive Science at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt,
Germany invites applications for a
Ph.D. Position in Inverse Reinforcement Learning
initially limited to a period of three years.
Research area
The Ph.D. student is expected to work in the domain of inverse
reinforcement learning with the particular focus of elucidating human
decision making and collective human decision making in the wild, i.e.
under real world conditions. The research project is a joint venture
between the Bioinspired Communication Lab and the Psychology of
Information Processing Lab, both members of the Centre of Cognitive
Science at TU Darmstadt. Accordingly, the student will be advised by
Prof. Heinz Koeppl, Department of Electrical Engineering and Prof.
Constantin Rothkopf, Institute of Psychology. Work will involve
methodological research in machine learning, design of dedicated human
behavioral experiments, and the analysis and further processing of
gathered data.
What we offer
We offer a unique interdisciplinary environment to perform cutting-edge
research at one of Germany’s leading universities in the domain of
computer science and engineering. The student will be embedded in the
ongoing research activities within the Centre for Cognitive Science and
will hence have the opportunity to interact with many other cognitive
science researchers. The conducted research is expected to culminate in
a Ph.D. degree. We offer comprehensive support for dissemination of
results through leading scientific journals and through participation in
leading international conferences and workshops.
Your profile
Candidates should have a M.Sc. degree in one of the following fields:
computer science, physics, mathematics, engineering, or cognitive
science. Candidates are required to have a sincere interest in
interdisciplinary research at the crossroad of psychology and computer
We look forward to receiving your application, consisting of a cover
letter in which you lay out your interest in the indicated research
area, curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and contact details of at
least two academic references.
Please send your application package as a single PDF file to
application at
Code No. 487. The position is initially advertised till September 9th
2019, but later applications will be considered until the position is
Constantin A. Rothkopf, PhD
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