Connectionists: Call for Papers: NeurIPS2019 Workshop on Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning

Sara Zannone sara.zannone at
Tue Aug 13 09:22:35 EDT 2019

Call for Papers NeurIPS2019 Workshop

Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning

Workshop website:

Submission deadline: September 7, 11:59 PM Pacific Time, 2019

Contact: BiologicalArtificialRL at

We invite you to submit papers (up to 5 pages, excluding references and
appendix) in the NeurIPS 2019 format. The focus of the work should relate
to biological and/or artificial reinforcement learning. Potential topics
include but are not limited to:


   Benchmark tasks that can compare/contrast capabilities of artificial vs
   biological agents

   Hierarchical RL/ skill learning

   Inductive biases and priors

   Representations for RL

   Model-based/ Model-free learning

   Lifelong learning

   Intrinsic motivation/ learning in absence of extrinsic rewards

   Role of memory in learning

In line with the guidelines defined by the NeurIPS organising committee, we
can only accept original work that is not published in the main NeurIPS
conference. However, we welcome published work from other non-machine
learning focused venues, particularly work that has previously appeared in
Neuroscience or Cognitive Science venues such as Cosyne, RLDM, CogSci and

Submission link:

For any enquiries please reach out to us at BiologicalArtificalRL at

On behalf of the organizers,

Sara Zannone,

Raymond Chua,

Feryal Behbahani,

Rui Ponte Costa,

Claudia Clopath,

Blake Richards,

Doina Precup
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