Connectionists: LAST DAY TO REGISTER -- ICDAR 2019 Competition on Historical Book Analysis (ICDAR-2019-HDRC-HBA)

Maroua MEHRI maroua.mehri at
Mon Apr 29 17:45:41 EDT 2019

**Our apologies for multiple receptions**

=================================  *Call for Participation*
*ICDAR 2019 Competition on Historical Book Analysis*

=================================   *Call for Participation*

We invite you to participate in our challenges on Historical Book Analysis (
HBA) Competition in the context of the 15th IAPR International Conference
on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’19 <>).

We remind you that the *registration of interest* is open until *April 30,
2019. *

Register your interest here
<> *(already 39
registered participants)**. *


In conjunction with the 15th IAPR International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition ICDAR’ <>19, the *HISTORICAL
BOOK ANALYSIS COMPETITION (HBA) *is organized. The HBA competition will
address a thriving topic of major interest of many researchers in different
fields including *(historical) document image analysis*, *image processing*
, *pattern recognition* and *classification*.

The HBA competition will provide a *large experimental corpus* and a *thorough
evaluation protocol* to ensure *a consistent comparison of image processing
methods* for historical document image analysis.

A challenging dataset called the *HBA 1.0 dataset* will be used at this
occasion. The HBA 1.0 dataset is composed of *4436 real scanned
ground-truthed one-page historical document images* (*2435 and 2001
manuscript and printed pages, respectively*.) from *11 books *(*5
manuscripts *and* 6 printed books*) in different languages and scripts
published between the 13th and 19th centuries.

The documents of the HBA 1.0 dataset are *gray-scale *or* color* images
which were digitized at *300 *or* 400 dpi* and saved in the *TIFF format* which
provides a high resolution of digitized images. Each selected foreground
pixel is marked by a color that symbolizes the corresponding content type. *The
ground truth information is currently available at the pixel level.*

Two nested challenges are proposed in the HBA competition.

   *1- *The HBA competition will aim at evaluating how image analysis
methods could *discriminate the textual content from the graphical
ones* at *pixel

  * 2- *It will aim at assessing the capabilities of the participating
methods to *separate the textual content according to different text
fonts* (e.g.
lowercase, uppercase, italic, …) at *pixel level*.

How to participate

   *1- Register* your interest through the *registration form
<>* (*before 30 April

  * 2- *Specify clearly in which challenge you would like to
participate (*challenge
1 only, challenge 2 only, both challenges 1 and 2*).

  * 3- *Download the *sample dataset* (*available from 10 January 2019*).

  * 4- *Download the *evaluation dataset* (*available from 01 March 2019*).

   *5- *Submit the *description* and the *results* of your methods (*before
31 May 2019*).

Important dates



*January 10, 2019*

– Opening of the registration to competition

– Publication of the sample dataset

*April 30, 2019*

– Closure of the registration to competition

– Publication of the evaluation dataset

– Beginning of the competition

*May 31, 2019*

– Deadline of the result submission

– Deadline of the submission of the description of the participating methods

*June 15, 2019*

– Sending the competition results to the participants


– Maroua Mehri[1]

– Pierre Héroux[2]

– Rémy Mullot[3]

– Jean-Philippe Moreux[4]

– Bertrand Coüasnon[5]

– Bill Barrett[6]

[1] LATIS, Sousse University, Tunisia

[2] LITIS, University of Rouen Normandy, France

[3] L3i, University of La Rochelle, France

[4] BnF - French national library, France

[5] Intuidoc, IRISA Rennes, France

[6] Family History Technology Lab, Brigham Young University, USA

[image: ICDAR19_HBACompetition_LITIS_LATIS_L3i_BnF_Logos.png]

*ICDAR 2019 Competition on Historical Book Analysis*

See more information at our website: *

Contact us on: *hba at <hba at>*

Follow us on Twitter: *@

Download the call for participation here:



Maroua MEHRI
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. - Engineer in Computer Science
Email address: maroua.mehri at
Postal address: National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISo),
                R2.01 office, 264 post-office box, 4023 Sousse Erriadh, Tunisia
Personal Web site:

<maroua.mehri at>
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