Connectionists: workshop NanoSpike Lille (France) May 15 - 17
Sander Bohte
S.M.Bohte at
Wed Apr 17 04:11:30 EDT 2019
Efficient learning with Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) promises effective
and efficient Edge-AI on nanodevices, with the potential to have a
tremendous impact in the life sciences and environmental intelligence. SNNs
are particularly relevant for temporal pattern recognition like biosonar
signals sent by sea mammals appear like a series of chirps which are
eminently suitable to match with the activity patterns of an SNN.
Following the BioComp'2019 meeting, at the same place in Lille, the
Nanospike Workshop aims at gathering actors in multiple disciplines and
especially sensitizing the community of researchers on bio-inspired devices
to the potential of SNNs and their applications.
The Workshop will consist of a challenge, invited talks and poster sessions
around the following research topics:
- Computing with Spiking Neuron Networks (SNN)
- Nanodevices implementing SNN
- SNN for Bioacoustics
The "Nanospike Workshop", where "Spiking Neural Networks", "Nanodevices",
and "Biodiversity" meet, will take place in Lille (France), from 15 to 17
May 2019.
You are invited to propose posters and take part in a challenge requiring
the implementation of learning models.
For more information, see
Hélène Paugam-Moisy et Manuel Clergue, LAMIA, Université des Antilles.
Philippe Devienne, IRCICA, Lille.
Hervé Glotin, LSIS, Université de Toulon.
Sander Bohte, CWI, Amsterdam, NL.
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