Connectionists: Athens International MSc in Neurosciences -- now accepting 2019-20 applications
Vassilis Cutsuridis
vcutsuridis at
Tue Apr 16 04:57:51 EDT 2019
Apologies for cross-posting – please forward to any interested party.
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*Applications for the 2019-20 MSc programme in*
*Athens International Master's in Neurosciences
*at National and Kapodistian University of Athens, Greece*
*are now OPEN.*
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This cutting-edge Masters programme is a combined effort of several
Athens-based departments and research centers including the
- Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of
- Department of Nursing of the National and Kapodistrian University of
- Department of Dentistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of
- School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of
- Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens
- National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
- Hellenic Pasteur Institute
- Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”
which builds on the multi-disciplinary research profiles of its staff. Teaching
and research staff includes Greek and International professors and
researchers of Greek and International Universities and Research Centers. *All
lectures are taught in English*.
The programme equips students with a rigorous grounding in experimental and
computational methods of neurosciences; it also provides them with the
to apply the knowledge they acquired in a practical research project, which
may be carried out in collaboration with one of the Masters programme’s
industry partners.
This is a two-year MSc degree programme, consisting of taught modules (12
months) plus research project and dissertation (12 months). It is designed
for students with a good degree in the biological / life sciences
(psychology, neuroscience, biology, medicine, etc.) or physical sciences
(computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering) interested in how the
brain and mind works.
The core contents of this programme include (i) fundamentals of experimental
neurosciences (developmental neuroscience, cellular and molecular
neuroscience, neuroanatomy, neurobiological bases of diseases of the
nervous system, neuropharmacology, neuroimmunology, neuroendocrinology.
behavioral neuroscience, electrophysiology, neuroimaging), (ii) Lab
rotations, and (iii) concepts,methods of computational modelling, data
analytics and machine learning.
Unlike other standard neuroscience programmes (focusing predominantly either
on “low-level” or "high-level" aspects of neuroscience), one of the
distinctive features of this programme is that it covers the whole spectrum
of the neurosciences bridging the gap between molecular and cellular
neuroscience to high-level cognitive processes (e.g., language, attention,
and decision making) including computational neuroscience and big data
analytics. The final research project and dissertation is carried out in
collaboration with an external partner, either from academia or industry.
Aside from mastering neuroscience, you can also enjoy the largest open-air
museum during its mostly sunny and dry days. These include Acropolis and
Parthenon, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, the Arch of Hadrian, the Theatre
of Dionysus, Panathenaic Stadium-Kallimarmaro, the iconic Temple of
Olympian Zeus, pedestrian avenue of Dionysios Areopagitou, Pnyx Hill,
Thiseio, Monastiraki, Plaka and etc, that are full of temples and ancient
and Byzantine monuments. In addition, Athens has great museums incunding
the Acropolis meuseum, the National Archaeological museum, the museum of
Modern Art, the museum of Greek Folk Art and of Greek Folk Musical
Instruments, the War Museum, the Benaki Museum, the Museum of Cycladic Art,
the National Gallery, and others.
You will also have the opportunity to enjoy excellent nature and coast line
and the easily reached Aegean islands.
*F**ull time EU students*: 2000 Euros per year
*Full time non-EU students*: 3000 Euros per year
*Part time students*: 500 Euros per semester during the first two years and
1000 Euros per semester during the third year.
*Applications for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Academic Years are now open. *
To fill in an application, click on this link and follow the instructions:
*NOTE: places are limited.*
We recommend submitting an application as soon as possible to ensure a
place on the programme.
For any further information about the programme, please visit:
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to receiving your application soon!
With very best wishes,
Professor Spiros Efthimiopoulos ( <M.Garagnani at>efthis at
Spiros Efthimiopoulos
Director of the Master's Programm:
"Athens International Master's Programme in Neurosciences"
University of Athens
Department of Biology
Division of Animal and Human Physiology
Central Building, 3nd Floor, Room 38 or 44
157 84 Panepistimiopolis, Ilisia
Athens, Greece
Tel# ++ 30 210 7274890, ++306974874328
Fax# ++ 30 210 7274635
E-mail: efthis at <>
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