Connectionists: Computational Vision Summer School 2019 in the Black Forest, Germany - Application deadline April 15th

Hendrikje Nienborg hendrikje.nienborg at
Wed Apr 10 02:41:52 EDT 2019


*[apologies for cross-posting]*


We are seeking applications for the 3rd Computational Vision Summer 
School (CVSS) from 30.6. to 7.7.2019 in Freudenstadt (Black Forest), 

The summer school, aimed at PhD students and Postdocs, spans the 
spectrum of vision research from neuroscience and psychophysics to 
computer vision to foster discussions at the intersection of biological 
and artificial vision systems. It seeks to bring together people from 
diverse disciplines who all share a computational view of vision and 
who, due to the diversity of disciplines involved, do not regularly meet.

CVSS is free of tuition and accomodation is sponsored by the German 
Research Foundation (DFG: CRC/1233 Robust Vision).

Application deadline: April 15, 2019

Confirmed speakers:

Ted Adelson (MIT, USA)

Matthias Bethge (University of Tübingen, Germany)

Michael Black (MPI-IS Tübingen, Germany)

EJ Chichilnisky (Stanford University, USA)

Alexei Efros (UC Berkeley, USA)

Sanja Fidler (University of Toronto / NVIDIA, Canada)

Chelsea Finn (UC Berkeley, USA)

Roland Fleming (University Giessen, Germany)

Bill Geisler (UT Austin, USA)

Otmar Hilliges (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

Mackenzie Mathis (Harvard University, USA)

Bruno Olshausen (UC Berkeley, USA)

Ruth Rosenholtz (MIT, USA)

Stefan Roth (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Eero Simoncelli (New York University, USA)

Antonio Torralba (MIT, USA)

Raquel Urtasun (University of Toronto / Uber ATG, Canada)

Felix Wichmann (University of Tübingen, Germany)

Li Zhaoping (MPI-IS and University of Tübingen, Germany)

Program Chairs and Advisory Board:

Andreas Geiger, Hendrikje Nienborg, Siyu Tang, Bei Xiao

Matthias Bethge, Michael Black, Felix Wichmann


Dr. Hendrikje Nienborg
Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
Universitaet Tuebingen
Tel: +49 (0) 7071- 29 88846
email: hendrikje.nienborg at

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