Connectionists: Tenure Track Position in Computational Neuroscience Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris France

boris gutkin boris.gutkin at
Thu Oct 4 14:24:04 EDT 2018

Junior Professor in Computational Neuroscience at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris France

Department of Cognitive Studies at the Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris France) seeks candidates for a tenure-track junior professor in computational neuroscience.  Candidates in cognitive computational neuroscience, machine learning approaches to neuroscience and statistical neuroscience are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful candidate will join the computational neuroscience core at the Laboratory for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (LNC2,

Candidates should show a strong track record of research in computational neuroscience as well as potential for scientific independence and achievement. Candidate will be expected to develop an independent research program during their pre-tenure period In addition to research candidates will spear-head the computational neuroscience track in the Master of Cognitive Sciences at ENS (Cogmaster, <>), provide teaching in computational neuroscience at the masters and upper undergraduate level as well as supervise masters and doctoral students.

The position offers a 5-year tenure-track contract with an evaluation at the end of the 3rd year. Upon successful evaluaton, the candidate will proceed directly to a competition for a full professorship  at ENS Paris.  Support for national and international grant competitions will be provided.

The candidate will join a lively cognitive neuroscience and computational neuroscience community. Notably the computational neuroscience core of the LNC includes research groups of Boris Gutkin, Srdjan Ostojic and Sophie Deneve and counts over 20 members in total. Computational approaches to human cognitive neuroscience and neuroeconomics are also represented by groups of Etienne Koechlin, Valentin Wyart and Stefano Palminteri. Ample interactions with experimental and computational groups in the Paris area are available and encouraged. LNC2-DEC-ENS is located in the heart of Paris  in the Quartier Latin.


Candidates should send an application package by e-mail to the application email address below. The subject line should include the words COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE ENS POSITION followed by the name of the applicant.


 The application package should include:

- a CV, including a list of publications;

- contacts of 3 referees from whom recommendations letters can be requested; 

- ‪a statement outlining both teaching and research goals/experience (up to 3 pages);

- a research sample consisting of 3 papers.


Deadline for the applications is Nov 15 2018.

Candidate is expected to start in September 2019.

Informal enquiries and Questions can be sent to boris.gutkin at

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