Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - May 1, 2018

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Tue May 8 20:52:20 EDT 2018

Neural Computation - Volume 30, Number 5 - May 1, 2018

Available online for download now:



Designing Patient-Specific Optimal Neurostimulation Patterns for Seizure Suppression
Roman A Sandler, Kunling Geng, Dong Song, Robert E. Hampson, Mark R Witcher, 
Sam A Deadwyler, Theodore W Berger, and Vasilis Z Marmarelis

Slowness as a Proxy for Temporal Predictability: An Empirical Comparison
Bjorn Weghenkel, and Laurenz Wiskott

Predictive Coding in Area V4: Dynamic Shape Discrimination Under Partial Occlusion
Hannah Choi, Anitha Pasupathy, and Eric Shea-Brown


Pattern Storage, Bifurcations and Groupwise Correlation Structure of an 
Exactly Solvable Asymmetric Neural Network Model
Diego Fasoli, Anna Cattani, and Stefano Panzeri

Solving Constraint-satisfaction Problems With Distributed Neocortical-like Neuronal Networks
Ueli Rutishauser, Jean- Jacques Slotine, and Rodney J. Douglas

An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials
Reinoud Maex

A Kernel Embedding Based Approach for Non-stationary Causal Model Inference
Shoubo Hu, Zhitang Chen, and Laiwan Chan

Deep Semi-Supervised Zero-Shot Learning With Maximum Mean Discrepancy
Lingling Zhang, Jun Liu, Minnan Luo, Xiaojun Chang, and Qinghua Zheng

Optimizing the Usability of Brain Computer Interfaces
Yin Zhang, and Steven Chase



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