Connectionists: MLSS - Machine Learning Summer School 2018, Madrid, Spain

Daniel Hernández Lobato daniel.hernandez at
Mon Mar 5 06:02:32 EST 2018

***               APPLICATION PERIOD WILL BEGIN SOON         ***

Dear Colleagues,

please note that the application period for the
              at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
                   27 August to 7 September, 2018

will begin on 7 March 2018 and will be closed on 7 April 2018.

Reference letters will be accepted till 12 April 2018.

The machine learning summer school provides graduate students and industry
professionals with an intense learning experience on the theory and
applications of modern machine learning. Over the course of two weeks,
a panel of internationally renowned experts of the field will offer
lectures and tutorials covering basic as well as advanced topics.

Confirmed Speakers

Francis Bach (INRIA) - Optimization

Kyunghyun Cho (NYU) - Neural Language Models

Rob Fergus (NYU) - Deep Learning

Arthur Gretton (UCL) - Kernel Methods

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato (Cambridge University) - ML on molecules

Shakir Mohamed (DeepMind) - Bayesian Deep Learning

Joris Mooij (University of Amsterdam) - Causal Inference

Sebastian Nowozin (Mircrosoft Research) - GANs

Michael Osborne (Oxford University) - Bayesian Optimization and Prob.

Jan Peters (TU Darmstadt and MPI for IS) - Reinforcement Learning

Suchi Saria (Johns Hopkins University) - Machine learning and causal
inference for personalized decision making

Oliver Stegle (EMBL-EBI) - ML for Statistical Genomics and Systems

Richard Turner (Cambridge University) - Gaussian Processes

Oriol Vinyals (DeepMind) - Deep Learning

Sinead Williamson (University of Texas at Austin) - Bayesian

Application process
Applications are invited from graduate students, postdoctoral researchers
and industry professionals looking to use, or already using machine
learning methods in their work. This includes researchers in applied
fields as well as students of machine learning itself. Prior experience
is not strictly required, but helpful. A small number of travel stipends
and free registration fees will be available.

Applicants will be asked to submit a CV, a cover letter of up to 200
words, and a short letter of recommendation from one referee of their
choice. We are also seeking to give participants a chance to discuss their
own work with their peers and the speakers. Each applicant is thus invited
to provide the title and abstract of a poster they would like to present
at the summer school.

For more information visit

Important Dates
*  7 March 2018  -  application system opens
* 12 April 2018  -  deadline for reference letters
* 22 May   2018  -  notification of acceptance
* 1  May   2018  -  payments due

The summer school will take place from

    Mon, 27 August to Fri, 7 September 2018

Madrid is the capital and the largest municipality of Spain. It lies on
the River Manzanares, in the centre of the country. Madrid has a modern
infrastructure, but has preserved the look and feel of its historic
neighbourhoods. Its landmarks include the Royal Palace; the Opera House;
the Buen Retiro Park; the National Library; and the Golden Triangle of
Art, comprising three art museums: Prado Museum, the Reina Sofía Museum
(a museum of modern art), and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

Daniel Hernández-Lobato and José Miguel Hernández-Lobato

inquiries should be directed to daniel.hernandez at


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