Connectionists: Second call for papers - MathPsych/ICCM 2018
Joseph Austerweil
joseph.austerweil at
Sat Mar 3 22:01:34 EST 2018
*Call for papers - MathPsych/ICCM 2018 University of Wisconsin, MadisonJuly
21st-24th, 2018 (July 21st is for Workshops, Tutorials &
Opening reception)Deadline in 2 weeks: March 15th, 11.59pm CDT.Conference
<>Submission details:
<>We invite you to
MathPsych/ICCM 2018, the joint gathering of the 51st Annual Meeting of the
Society for Mathematical Psychology and the 16th International Conference
on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM): the premier conference for research on
computational models and computation-based theories of human cognition.
Following our success in 2017, ICCM has again joined forces with the
Society for Mathematical Psychology to create a conference in which all
sessions are open to all attendees, and cross-talk is highly
encouraged.MathPsych/ICCM 2018 is a forum for presenting and discussing the
complete spectrum of cognitive modeling approaches, including
connectionism, symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and
cognitive architectures. Research topics can range from low-level
perception to high-level reasoning. We also welcome contributions that use
computational models to better understand neuroscientific data.We are
pleased to announce four world-class invited speakers:Angela Yu (University
of California, San Diego)Naomi Feldman (University of Maryland)Jennifer
Trueblood (Vanderbilt University, Estes Early Career Award winner)Leslie
Blaha (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, FABBS Early Career Award
winner)We will have three invited symposia: - On the relationship between
scientific practice and statistical practice (Organizers: Rich Shiffrin &
Joachim Vandekerckhove) - Probabilistic Specification and Quantitative
Testing of Decision Theories (Organizers: Michel Regenwetter & Clintin
Stober) - Computational Brain & Behavior, a new journal sponsored by the
Society for Mathematical Psychology (Organizer: Scott Brown)We have
separate submissions for the MathPsych parallel tracks and the ICCM
single-track. For MathPsych, submissions are brief 250-word abstracts to be
considered for both talks and posters. For ICCM submissions are 6-page full
papers to be considered for talks, and 2-page poster abstracts. We are
working with TopiCS to create a special issue based on the best full ICCM
papers. Submissions may be made by researchers, faculty, post-docs,
graduate students and undergraduate students. Any one person may present
only one paper, but may also be a co-author of other papers (when you are
presenting author of a MathPsych paper, you cannot also be a presenting
author of an ICCM paper and vica versa). We also welcome pre-conference
workshop/tutorial submissions that are not specific to MathPsych or ICCM.
All types of submissions are due on March 15th, 11.59pm EDT.Registration
fees have not yet been determined, although we expect they will be
approximately $200 (faculty/professionals) and $80 (students). Registration
will open in May.We hope to see you in Madison!Ion Juvina, Joseph Houpt,
and Christopher Myers (ICCM co-chairs)Joseph Austerweil and Joseph Houpt
(MathPsych co-chairs)*
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