Connectionists: Chair in Computer Vision/Machine Learning at University of Birmingham, UK

Peter Tino P.Tino at
Sat Jul 28 08:18:51 EDT 2018

dear all,

The School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK, has a 
large group of internationally renowned researchers working
in the broad area of intelligent systems. These include groups in 
Robotics and Robot Vision (4 faculty), Medical Image Understanding (3 
faculty), and Machine Learning (4 faculty). This includes
eight full professors, and we participate in grants with a value 
exceeding £10m.

We are currently making another five full and part-time appointments in 
machine learning. This post will grow work in one or both of Computer 
Vision / Machine Learning, making strong links with one or more of the
groups listed above. The chair will be supported by a substantial cash 
investment, and three further junior faculty appointments.

If interested, please read more

Peter Tino
The University of Birmingham
School of Computer Science
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
+44 121 414 8558

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