Connectionists: Professorship position at Medical University of Vienna

Georg Dorffner georg.dorffner at
Fri Jul 13 12:20:28 EDT 2018

The Medical University of Vienna (MedUni of Vienna) with more than 5,500 
employees and about 8,000 students is one of the largest academic 
medical schools in the EU area.

At the *Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent 
Systems* of the MedUni of Vienna a *professorship position in “Medical 
Informatics”* is available at the earliest possible time. We offer an 
open-ended contract according to the respective employment law.

Employment requirements:

 1. Doctoral degree in informatics or a corresponding foreign university
    degree in the relevant field of specialization;
 2. Internationally visible scientific performance in the area of
    medical informatics including the fields of bioinformatics, machine
    learning (artifical intelligence) and/or digital medicine;
 3. Research experience in the development and application of methods
    and tools for analysing and processing of biological, clinical and
    molecular data;
 4. Documentation of successful and continuous acquisition of
    substantial third-party funds;
 5. Successful leadership of a scientific task force, leadership and
    management experience, including gender competence;
 6. Educational and didactic qualification (including student feedback,
    teaching evaluation reports);
 7. Experience in interdisciplinary cooperation;
 8. International experience.

Expected from the applicant:

  * Scientific focus on one or more of the following research areas:
      o Analysis and processing of extensive heterogeneous data from the
        area of health and biomedicine (including clinical data from
        routine care)
      o Bioinformatic analysis of molecular data (e.g. Next Generation
        Sequencing data) and their relation to biomedical and clinical
      o Linking of data analysis with domain-specific models and
        theories of biological systems including modelling of biological
      o Machine learning in the area of biomedical research and/or
        clinical decision support
  * Inter- and multidisciplinary research to reinforce the biomedical
    research area of the MedUni Vienna as well as cooperation with the
    research clusters as described in the university's development plan
    and cooperation with the planned Center of Precision Medicine;
  * Leadership for the further expansion of the master’s programme
    Medical Informatics and the PhD programme Medical Informatics,
    Biostatics and Complex Systems and corresponding teaching activiy;
  * Competence in employee management and motivation;
  * Commitment to a quality of results orientation and to further
    development of personal management qualifications

The MedUni of Vienna intends to increase the proportion of women in 
leading positions and therefore encourages qualified female candidates 
to apply. In case of equivalent qualifications, preference will be given 
to female applicants.

Written applications must be submitted in German or English not later 
than *October 1st, 2018* to the Rector of the Medical University of 
Vienna, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna, Austria 
(buerouniversitaetsleitung at
Applications should include (i) curriculum vitae, (ii) list of 
publications, (iii) summary of previous research and teaching 
activities, (iv) summary of previous scientific activities, (v) 
description of previous experiences in the area of organization, 
management, leadership tasks and project planning, (vi) the applicant’s 
qualification according to the employment requirements, (vii) the ten 
best-ranked publications from the applicant’s point of view (scientific 
original papers or reviews appropriate to this announcement). The 
application documents should be

Applicants are requested to complete the fact sheet and to enclose it 
with the application documents:

Information regarding the General Data Protection Regulation is available at

See also
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