Samir ouchani
pomarien at
Mon Jul 2 23:58:14 EDT 2018
*November 5-8, 2018, Leuven, Belgium*
*Organized by:*
CESI High Engineering School
Industry 4.0 is the new generation of manufacturing systems called
Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) that are able to face the current
economic and societal challenges. Its implementation is based on a set of
new manufacturing technologies (IoT and Industrial IoT, Robotics and
Cobotics, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Additive Manufacturing, Cloud
Manufacturing …), data collection, storage and analysis, and digital twin
(Digital Factory, Simulation and Decision Tools …). In general, CPPS are
complex due to the composition and the combination of the system’s
components: digital, software, and physical elements. The physical parts
are connected to a network, which is controlled by software components or,
sometimes, manually. Examples of such systems can be found in
manufactories, avionics, automotive systems, nuclear power plants, etc.
Interoperability, safety, reliability, maintenance and security aspects of
CPPS is challenging due to the inherent complexity of CPPS. Moreover, it is
not sufficient to ascertain one aspect of the individual components in
isolation: faults and threats in CPPS systems could also be due to the
interaction between the physical, digital and software parts of CPPS.
Therefore, the system must be studied as a whole, which sets this emerging
discipline apart from these individually established fields. CPPS-2018
event provides a platform for professionals from academia, government, and
industry to discuss how to address the increasing the issues challenges
facing CPPS.
CPPS-2018 invites submissions discussing the employment of data-driven,
model-based, and statistical approaches in CPPS. Topics of either
theoretical, empirical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
• CPPS Modeling (forma, semi-formal, UML, SysML, ADAAL, etc).
• Formal methods for CPPS (abstraction, compositional verification, model
checking, theorem proving, simulation, testing, etc)
• Decision making process in CPPS
• IoT architecture and protocol for CPPS
• Design safe, reliable, and secure CPPS
• Data collection, extraction and analysis in CPPS
• Safety, reliability, and Risk analysis techniques for CPPS
• Threat modeling for CPPS
• Security requirements specification, Security policies and access control
for CPPS
• Human aspects and robot interactions in CPPS
• Case studies, tools, and experimental results for CPPS
*Program committee (Initial list):*
• Abdelaziz Khaled (GeantSoft, Fr)
• Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj (Concordia Unversity, CA)
• Amel Bennaceur (The Open University,UK)
• Antoine Rollet (University of Bordeaux, Fr)
• Baudry David (CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
• Bouziane Brik (University of Laghouat, Dz)
• Flavio Oquendo (IRISA (UMR CNRS) – Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS), Fr)
• GilesReger (The University of Manchester, UK)
• Hao Wu National (University of Ireland, Ir)
• Khadidja Chaib’Draa (University of Luxembourg, Lu)
• Łukasz Czajka (University of Copenhagen
• Philippe Palanque (ICS-IRIT, University Toulouse 3, Fr)
• Samiha Ayed (Telecom Bretagne,Fr)
• Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, Fr)
*Organizing committee:*
• Garcia David (CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
• Messaadia Mourad (CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
• Ouchani Samir (*PC Chair**,* CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
• Sghaier Nouha (CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
• Sahnoun M’Hammed (CESI / LINEACT, Fr)
*Important dates *
• Paper Submission: September 1, 2018
• Notification: October 01, 2018
• Camera-ready: October 12, 2018
*Submissions & Publications:*
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting
original and unpublished research. At least one author of each accepted
paper will be required to present the work at the workshop. All papers
accepted for the workshop will be included in the EUSPN-2018
<> proceedings
and published by Elsevier. The authors must follow Elsevier guidelines
provided at EUSPN-2018
<> website.
The number of pages for workshop papers is limited to 6 pages. Selected
outstanding papers presented at the workshop, after further revision, will
be considered for publication in special issues of selected journals.
Authors should submit their contributions here
<>, electronically in PDF
Submit your workshop papers here
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