Connectionists: Postdoctoral position for ERC Advanced Grant

Jeffrey Bowers J.Bowers at
Mon Feb 26 07:47:23 EST 2018

Postdoctoral position for ERC Advanced Grant entitled: 'Generalization in Mind and Machine'.  Based at the University of Bristol, UK. Deadline March 15th.

The project:

This five-year ERC-funded project entitled "Generalisation in Mind and Machine" explores how well neural networks support human-like generalisation across a range of tasks. Over the course of the grant there will be four postdoctoral fellows involved in modelling, one postdoctoral fellow involved in empirical work, and two PhD students. This is one of modelling posts that runs for three years. I am looking to hire someone with a PhD in computer science or cognitive psychology (or related field) who has experience working with neural networks.

In contrast with the large community of researchers focused on improving the performance of deep networks for applied reasons, the goal of this project is to explore what neural networks tell us about how the brain works. More specifically, the team will be working on questions of generalisation in the domains of object identification, word identification, short-term memory, and games, amongst other areas. This research is related to previous and ongoing research in Professor Bowers' lab that explores why and when artificial neural networks learn localist "grandmother cell" representations with the goal to better understand why some neurons respond to high-level information in a highly selective manner.

Please go to the following link to find out more about this project and link for applying:

To have a better idea of the perspective I take on neural network modelling, please see the following paper (other papers can be found at this link as well):

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  Sincerely,
Jeff Bowers
j.bowers at

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