Connectionists: CALL FOR WORKSHOP/SPECIAL-SESSION PROPOSALS-- IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2018 (WI'18)

Yue Xu yue.xu at
Mon Feb 12 02:48:41 EST 2018

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IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2018 (WI'18) December 3-6, 2018, Santiago, Chile

Conference Website:

Sponsored By (among others):

Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEEE Computer Society



The Program Committee of the 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI '18) invites proposals for workshops/special-sessions in all areas related to Web Intelligence,its foundations and applications.

The workshops/specialsessions will be held in Santiago, Chile on December 3rd, 2018.

The main objectives of the WI'18 workshops/special-sessions are to stimulate and facilitate active exchange, interaction and comparison of approaches, methods and related to diverse areas of Web Intelligence, and also to complement the regular program with specific or emerging topics that are of particular interest to the Web Intelligence community and, in case of Workshops, to provide a forum for intense and deep-going discussions. Special Session and Workshop proposals need to address topics that do not pertain to well-established tracks of WI. They may, however, cut across and beyond disciplines traditionally represented at WI conferences.




March 23, 2018: Workshop and Special session proposal submission March 31, 2018: Notification of Workshop/Special session acceptance July 22, 2018: Submission of Workshop papers August 19, 2018: Notification of workshop paper acceptance October 4, 2018: Camera-Ready Papers (Workshops and Special sessions) December 3, 2018: Special Sessions, Workshops, and Tutorials December 4-6, 2018: Main Conference




Workshops may be full-day or half-day. A full-day workshop shouldselect 10-14

regular papers, while a half-day workshop should select 5-7 regular papers, from

a large number of submissions. Special sessions, on the other hand, should select

4-6 regular papers.

Submissions accepted as workshop/special session papers will be allocated 4 pages

in the IEEE WI 2018 workshop proceedings to be published by IEEE-CS Press.

The workshop organizers should ensure the presence of authors of accepted papers

at the workshops. Optionally, the workshop may bestarted or concluded by a panel

focusing on interesting aspects,controversial issues, or unsolved problems to

stimulate lively,thoughtful, and thought-provoking debate; we expect the workshop

organizers to actively engage the audience and help them gain a deeper understanding

of the issues. The goal of a panel is to debate and thus panels should always reflect

more than one point of view.




Workshop organizers should submit their proposals to one of workshopchairs.

All workshop/special-session proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file

and include the following information:

* Title of the workshop/special-session

* Names of workshop/special-session organizers, affiliation, mailing address

  and e-mail address

* Short CV of organizers

* A description of the topics of the workshop/special-session (not exceeding 200 words)

* For the workshop: type of the workshop (full-day or half-day)

* A description of how the workshop/special-session will contribute to the field

  of Web Intelligence

* A short description on how the workshop/special-session will be

  advertised so as to ensure a sufficiently wide range of authors

  and high quality papers

* Information about previous offerings of the proposed workshop/


* A list of potential Program Committee members and attendees/

  submissions and/or a justification of the expected attendees

  and submissions.




Organizers, whose proposals are accepted, will be responsible for advertising the

workshop/special-session, forming the program committees, reviewing and selecting

the papers, all along guaranteeing high quality worthy of the prestige and range

of the Conference. The Conference will provide an online paper submission and review

system to support the workshops. After the acceptance of a workshop proposal,

the organizer(s) should:

* Create a "Call for papers/participation" for the workshop/special-session

* Create a webpage for the workshop/special-session, the link of which will

  be published on the conference website

* Create a Board of Reviewers (Program Committee)

* Solicit, review and select papers

* Schedule the workshop/special-session program

The papers selected by workshop/special-session organizers may also be reviewed

by the workshop/special-session chairs for final acceptance. All submitted papers

will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and

clarity.  The organizers will also have the discretion of editing selected papers

(after their expansion and revision) into books or journal specialissues.




Workshop/special session paper registration fees are the same as regular conference fees.

All registered participants are entitled to attend all keynotes, sessions, workshops, panels,

tutorials and socialevents.




* Zhisheng Huang, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands <z.huang at<mailto:z.huang at>>

* Yue Xu, Queensland University of Technology, Australia <yue.xu at<mailto:yue.xu at>>

* Guilin Qi, Southeast University, China <gqi at<mailto:gqi at>>

For further information either visit the WI 2018 homepage (

or contact any of the Special session and Workshop co-chairs.

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