Connectionists: CfP 6th Swiss Conference on Data Science (IEEE technically co-sponsored)

Andreas Weiler andreas.weiler at
Mon Dec 3 10:45:17 EST 2018

-------- Call for Papers / Participation The 6th Swiss Conference on Data Science (IEEE technically co-sponsored) --------

6th Swiss Conference on Data Science 2019 (SDS2019)
14 June 2019, Kursaal, Bern, Switzerland

* Introduction *
We are happy to announce the 6th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS2019) in continuation of what has successfully started with the past events.

SDS2019 brings together opinion-leaders, practitioners, decision-makers and researchers with interest in Data Science. The goal is to foster the exchange of ideas for innovative products and services especially for the Swiss market and to sustain the community of Data Scientists.

SDS2019 will have talks in 2 distinct streams of academic and business contributions. The accepted academic paper proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore digital library. For businesses, talks having business impact and data-driven innovation concepts are invited and will be presented.

Get access to trends, innovations, and technologies that you can directly use for the development of your products, solutions, and applications based on data, and use the breaks for networking and discussion with peers.

* Awards *

- Best Paper Award: The program committee will carefully evaluate the submitted papers according to their originality, contributions to the field, quality of presentation, and soundness of the science and will then select a paper for the best paper award that receives a cash price of CHF 1,500.
- Best Presentation Award: The best presentation will be elected through an online voting system that is available for the participants during the conference. Keynote speakers will not be eligible for the best presentation price, which is a cash price of CHF 1,€˜500.
- Best Reproducibility Award: This award recognizes the best papers in terms of reproducibility. The criteria include flexibility, coverage, and code replication as well as data availability of the research work. The recipient of this award receives a cash prize of CHF 1,€˜500.

* Academic Track *

We invite submissions of original research papers related to all aspects of data science, especially best practice and use-case oriented research work with technical depth and practical applicability. We also highly welcome innovative demos, show-cases, and awesome data products.

** Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) **

- artificial intelligence and autonomous machines
- big data mining and analytics
- data mining applications in healthcare, finance, and industry
- data ethics and society
- data integration, governance, and sharing
- data intelligence and security
- machine learning
- natural language processing and analysis
- predictive modelling and analytics
- spatial data analysis
- techniques and tools for data science
- user interfaces and data visualization

** Submission **

-  Full Paper: present high-quality research contributions, including experiment, analysis, or system papers, as well as descriptions of industrial and application results. Each submission can have up to 6 pages incl. references.
- Short Paper: present late-breaking results, work in progress, follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing methods. Each submission can have up to 2 pages incl. references.
- Roundtable Discussion: intimate, moderated group discussions of current topics important to the field of data science. The objective is to trade ideas and thoughts with other engaged individuals with similar interests and questions. Submissions can have up to 1 page and needs to contain an abstract, a description of the questions or pointers to the controversy of the topic, and a short biography. The duration of each session is 30 minutes, including topic introduction (~5 mins) of the topic leader.

All submissions must be original works that have not been published previously in any conference proceedings, magazine, journal, or edited book. Concurrent submissions are strictly forbidden. If it is determined that a manuscript is simultaneously under the consideration by another publication venue, the manuscript will be rejected. Submission of papers implies intention to register and present the related content at the conference. The academic program committee will carefully review the submissions. Excellent content and presentation as demonstrated in the submission are mandatory for acceptance. Accepted submissions will be presented in English by the authors at the conference. Proceedings papers presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library. All submissions must be formatted by following the following the IEEE 8.5” x 11” two-column format.

** Steering Committee **
- Markus Christen, University of Zuerich
- Melanie Geiger, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Christoph Heitz, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Thilo Stadelmann, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Andreas Weiler, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences

** Program Committee **
- Kubilay Atasu, IBM Research
- Joeran Beel, Trinity College Dublin
- Michael Brodie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mark Cieliebak, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Fabio Crestani, University of Lugano
- Andre Csillaghy, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North West Switzerland
- Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, University of Fribourg
- Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, University of Geneva
- Oliver Duerr, Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
- Andreas Fischer, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
- Samuel Fricker, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North West - Switzerland
- Bernd Freisleben, University of Marburg
- Pascale Frossard, Ecole Polytechnique Fedèral de Lausanne
- Reinhard Furrer, University of Zuerich
- Michael Grossniklaus, University of Konstanz
- Niels Hagenbuch, Swiss Statistical Society
- Anne Herrmann, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North West Switzerland
- Stefan Keller, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
- Hans Kestler, University of Ulm
- Diego Kuonen, University of Geneva
- Michele Loi, University of Zuerich
- Elena Mugellini, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
- Henning Mueller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
- Marcello Pelillo, University of Venice
- Andres Perez-Uribe, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
- Jacques Savoy, University of Neuchatel
- Tobias Schreck, University of Graz
- Rene Schumann, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
- Philipp Schuetz, Luzern University of Applied Sciences
- Fabio Sigrist, Luzern University of Applied Sciences
- Josef Spillner, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Ingo Steinwart, University of Stuttgart
- Kurt Stockinger, Zuerich University of Applied Sciences
- Matthias Stuermer, University of Bern
- Jens Teubner, Technical University Dortmund
- Marco Zaffalon, University of Lugano

** Important Dates: **

1st February 2019 - Paper submission deadline
15th March 2019 - Author notification
1st May 2019 - Camera ready papers deadline

* Business Track *

We invite submissions of talks related to all aspects of data science, especially best practice and use-case oriented work with technical depth and practical applicability.

** Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): **

- business analytics
- data-driven business models
- data engineering and architecture
- data ethics and society
- machine learning
- natural language processing
- organization, collaboration, culture
- streaming and IoT
- user interfaces and data visualization

** Submission **

- Business Talk: presentation covering technological aspects, deployment and use of solutions in Data Science. Submissions should be in pdf format and have a maximum length of 2 pages and contain all of the following elements: a title; an extended abstract of no more than 200 words and explaining the business impact / innovation; a description of the target audience; an outline of the intended talk; a short author biography
- Roundtable Discussion: intimate, moderated group discussions of current topics important to the field of data science. The objective is to trade ideas and thoughts with other engaged individuals with similar interests and questions. Submissions can have up to 1 page and needs to contain an abstract, a description of the questions or pointers to the controversy of the topic, and a short biography. The duration of each session is 30 minutes, including topic introduction (~5 mins) of the topic leader.

The Business Program Committee will carefully review the submissions. Excellent content demonstrating data-driven value creation, business impact and innovation in the submission are mandatory for acceptance. Accepted submissions will be presented in English by the authors at the conference.

** Steering Committee **

- Hans Peter Graenicher, D ONE Solutions
- Gundula Heinatz Buerki, Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services

** Program Committee **
- Michael Baeriswyl, Swisscom
- Rainer Baumann, SwissRe
- Marcel Blattner, Tamedia
- Matthias Braendle, Mobiliar
- Rodolphe Dewarrat, IMSD
- Thomas Duebendorfer, Swiss ICT Investor Club
- Alex Hall, Google
- Peter Kolbe, SBB
- Asif Rana, Hexagon
- Marco Roehrle, Ergo
- Tanvi Singh, Credit Suisse
- Christian Spindler, PwC
- Stamatis Stefanakos, D ONE Solutions
- Philipp Vetter, Biovotion

** Important Dates: **

1st February 2019 - Talk submission deadline
5th April 2019 - Speaker notification

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