Connectionists: 1st CfP to the ICMI 2018 Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data

Felix Putze felix.putze at
Mon Apr 30 01:43:17 EDT 2018

=== ICMI 2018 Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal 
Data ===
When & Where: October 16th, 2018 @ ACM ICMI in Boulder, Colorado, USA
Submission deadline: July 30th

Multimodal signals allow us to gain insights about internal cognitive 
processes of a person, for example: a) Speech and gesture analysis 
yields cues about hesitations, knowledgeability, or alertness, b) eye 
tracking yields information about a person's focus of attention, task, 
or cognitive state, c) brain activity captured by EEG yields information 
about a person's cognitive load or information appraisal. Capturing 
cognitive processes is an important research tool to understand human 
behavior as well as a crucial part of a user model to an adaptive 
interactive system such as a robot or a tutoring system. As cognitive 
processes are often multifaceted, a comprehensive model requires the 
combination of multiple complementary signals. In this workshop at the 
ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) conference 
in Boulder, Colorado, USA, we will discuss the state-of-the-art in 
monitoring and modeling cognitive processes from multimodal data. We 
welcome the presentation of evaluation studies, theoretical 
considerations, data corpora, and novel approaches for modeling and 
processing of biosignals.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
* Multimodal workload and stress estimation
* Multimodal attention and memory modeling
* Multimodal engagement/frustration/confusion estimation
* Eye tracking in the wild
* Brain-Computer Interfaces and psychophysiological interfaces
* Cognitive modeling
* Experiment design for cognitive processes
* Cognition-adaptive human-computer interfaces

* Felix Putze, University of Bremen
* Jutta Hild, Fraunhofer IOSB
* Enkelejda Kasneci, University of Tübingen
* Akane Sano, MIT Media Lab/Cornell University
* Erin Solovey, Drexel University
* Tanja Schultz, University of Bremen

See also our workshop website to keep up to date about news regarding 
the submission process,
announcement of keynote speakers, the workshop program and other 
important information:

*Submission deadline: July 30^th , 2018*
Notification of acceptance: September 9^th , 2018
Camera-ready manuscript due: September 16^th , 2018
Workshop date: October 16^th , 2018

Felix Putze

Dr.-Ing. Felix Putze
E-Mail: felix.putze at
Phone: +49 421 218 64272

University of Bremen
Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL)
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5 (Cartesium)
28359 Bremen

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