Connectionists: Special session on "Bayesian models for motor rehabilitation and control" @ICNR2018
Luca Citi
lciti at
Fri Apr 27 12:26:20 EDT 2018
We invite contributions to a special session on "Bayesian models for
motor rehabilitation and control" at the International Conference on
NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2018) that will take place in Pisa (Italy) from
October 16th to 20th, 2018. This session's aim is to bring together
scientists working on theoretical models and engineers working on
rehabilitation and restoration devices.
More information about the special session at:
Bayesian statistics is a branch of statistics that provides a principled
way of calculating how prior knowledge can be combined with observations
in a statistically optimal way. Numerous studies have shown that many
aspects of human behaviour (e.g. sensorimotor control) are close to
“Bayes’ optimal”. Learning (or re-learning in the case of
rehabilitation) can also be seen as the process of updating our priors
based on new observations. It seems therefore natural to employ such
models not only to describe neural processes but also to decode them for
the purpose of improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation or for the
control of a prosthetic device. From an implementation point of view,
Bayesian models are also appealing because they may be better suited
than other techniques for dealing with the smaller data sets that are
typically available in biomedical engineering applications.
This session’s goal is to promote and showcase cutting edge research in
modeling human neuromotor control for the purpose of improving
rehabilitation techniques or designing better control strategies for
actuated prostheses. In particular, this special session is dedicated to
understanding the potential benefits and limitations of applying
Bayesian techniques to such problems. We envision the session will
provide an interdisciplinary platform bringing together scientists
working on theoretical models and engineers working on rehabilitation
and restoration devices. Example topics may include but are not limited
to: Bayesian model averaging, Markov-Chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte
Carlo, dynamic causal modeling, state-space modeling, hierarchical
Bayesian modeling, non-parametric Bayesian inference, and their
application to the aforementioned biomedical engineering problems.
Please submit your 2-page extended abstract through the Easy Chair
platform ( before May
15th, 2018.
During the submission process, please select the special session code "SS1".
Abstracts have to be formatted according to the ICNR2018 template, which
can be downloaded at:
A selection of the contributions will be published on a special issue on
"IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering".
For information on the special session, please contact Luca Citi
(lciti at
For more general information about ICNR2018, please contact the
conference organisers at
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