Connectionists: CFP - SETIT 2018
Stefano Rovetta
stefano.rovetta at
Fri Apr 20 06:14:06 EDT 2018
Dear all,
the following is a wide-scope conference and I wish to invite
contributions from the connectionists community.
S E T I T 2 0 1 8
The Eigth Conference on the Sciences of Electronics, Technologies
of Information and Telecommunications
Genoa, Italy, September 3-5, 2018
The Conference covers all topics in the fields of information and
communication technologies and related sciences. It aims to bring
together researchers and developers from both academia and industry
to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances in their
respective areas, fostering a cross-disciplinary dissemination that
would be otherwise made difficult by the extreme specialization
of each field.
In today’s information-centered world, the relevance of hardware,
software, telecommunications cannot be overestimated; even fields
traditionally involved only marginally, like factory automation
and production engineering, are currently discovering the value
of data and information, with such trends as the Industry 4.0 or
the exponential growth of machine learning and AI, and with all
the consequent technological developments that are needed to
support them.
The Conference encourages submission of both theoretical advances and
interesting applications, with special emphasis on (but not limited to)
interdisciplinary works at the intersection of two or more of the areas
- Information Processing: Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic and
Computational Intelligence, Data Mining, Information Fusion, Source
Separation, Business Intelligence, Artificial intelligence
- Human-machine Interaction: Model Driven Engineering, UX and Usability,
Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality, Ubiquitous Computing Systems,
Adaptive and Intelligent Systems, Social Network analysis
- Computer Science: Algorithm and Theory, Programming Languages,
Information Systems Management, High-performance computing, Intelligent
e-Technology, Data Warehouse and Big Data, Quantum Computing
- Telecommunications and Networks: Network Protocols, Wireless Sensor
Networks, Networks and Cloud Computing, Security, Quality of Service
and Resource Management, Internet Of Things, Vehicular Applications
and Technologies
- Signal Processing: Signal Detection, Estimation and Restoration,
Statistical Signal Processing, Design and Implementation of Signal
Processing, Audio, Acoustic, Speech and Biomedical Signal,
Non-Stationary, Non-linear and Non-gaussian Signals, Modeling
in Signals
- Electronics: Electronic Integration, Circuits and Systems for
Communications, Nanodevices and Nanosystems, Instrumentation
Engineering, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Automatic Control
of Power Plants
- Image and Video: Image and Video Processing Technology, Compression,
Coding and Implementation, Cryptology and Watermarking, Storage,
Retrieval, and Authentication, Biomedical Image and Health, Multimedi
Important dates
May 10 Paper submission
Jun 20 Notification of acceptance
Jul 01 Early registration
Jul 15 Final paper upload
Proceedings of SETIT 2018 will published by an international publisher
indexed in recognized bibliographic databases; more details will be
provided shortly. The scientific program will include some invited
talks and tutorials, as well as contributed papers that will be
presented in oral or poster sessions.
Stefano Rovetta, University of Genoa, Italy
Med salim Bouhlel, Sfax University, Tunisia
Scientific Secretariat
Francesco Masulli, University of Genoa, Italy
Alberto Cabri, University of Genoa, Italy
Submission of contributions: Please submit your manuscript for peer
review, no more than 8 pages long, on
Submission implies the willingness of at least one author per paper
to register, attend the conference, and present the paper.
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