Connectionists: 2018 ACIC Causal Inference Data Challenge: three weeks left

Chen Yanover chen.yanover at
Mon Apr 9 11:06:04 EDT 2018

< Please distribute, apologies for multiple postings >

**** Challenge closes in three weeks ****

We are happy to announce the third causal inference data challenge, taking
place as part of the 2018 Atlantic Causal Inference Conference (ACIC)
conference. The challenge focuses on computational methods of inferring
causal effects from real-world healthcare-related data and extends the
previous challenges in two main respects:
+ Evaluating performance as a function of the size of the dataset
+ Using censored outcome (i.e. missing outcome values for some of the

For more information see

Submission deadline: Apr 30, 2018. Results will be announced during the
conference, May 22-23, in Pittsburgh, PA.

The challenge is organized this year by Prof Ashley Naimi (University of
Pittsburgh) and supported by the Machine Learning for Healthcare and Life
Sciences group at IBM Research - Haifa.

Chen Yanover
Machine Learning for Healthcare and Life Sciences
IBM Research - Haif
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