Connectionists: Special Issue on Bridging Cognitive Models and Recommender Systems (CC-CogM+RS)
Zoe Falomir
zfalomir at
Wed Nov 8 12:32:50 EST 2017
Dear Colleagues,
we are launching a special issue on Bridging Cognitive Models and
Recommender Systems in collaboration with "Cognitive Computation" journal
at Springer. We encourage all interested researchers to submit their
papers. Please let us know if you'd like to submit but are unable to meet
the deadline.
Cognitive Computation
Special Issue on Bridging Cognitive Models and Recommender Systems
Call for Papers
Deadline: January 15th, 2018
The aim of this special issue is to provide a space for researchers to
discuss the possible points of contact and to highlight the issues and the
advantages of bridging different fields for the study of cognitive
architectures for recommendation, as well as recommender systems shaping
cognitive architectures.
In recent conferences and meetings, we realized that this bridged topic has
not received sufficient attention. In our opinion, recommendations should
also be designed/evaluated taking into account cognitive and emotional
factors. This issue is closely related with key trends that are in the peak
of the Gartner's 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies ( as cognitive expert advisors, machine
learning or smart robots.
This bridge should be traveled in both sides. From one side, cognition
represents an ideal model to link different disciplines, as the field of
Robotics and that of Interaction studies, or the field of Decision Support
Systems and that of Information Retrieval. Cognitive architectures are
providing recommendations to an agent (a human or a robot) in order to
interact with the environment (perceived environment or collected data).
On the other side, expert recommender systems, by getting assessment from
collaborative human expertise, can automate, in a cognitive way, procedures
and tasks, either for physical agents, like robots, or soft agents
collecting information from databases or Internet.
Interaction experiences bridging cognitive architectures and recommender
systems refers not only to objective measures related with the associated
task, but especially to the subjective ones: emotions, mood, engagement,
availability. Appealing architectures managing these concerns consider
fuzzy / hesitant / qualitative / uncertainty measures and reasoning.
- Cognitive modeling, cognitive systems, cognitive architectures, cognitive
- Recommender systems, decision support systems, group decision making,
cognitive expert advisors.
- Context-aware systems, sentiment analysis, and social data analysis.
- Logic and reasoning, spatial thinking, spatio-temporal reasoning,
common-sense reasoning.
- Theoretical foundations of cognitive models and recommender systems:
machine learning, computational intelligence, data analysis and data
mining, knowledge acquisition and representation, adaptive
- Cognitive Robotics.
- Applications involving topics from above and focused on: education,
robotics, creativity, ambient-intelligence, health-care
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the "Instructions For Authors"
of the journal found at
and submissions should be done through the EditorialManager system:
selecting the category "SI: Bridging Cognitive Models and Recommender
Submissions Deadline: January 15th, 2018
First notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2018
Submission of revised papers: May 1st, 2018
Final notification to the authors: May 20th, 2018
Submission of final/camera-ready papers: June 15th, 2018
Publication of special issue: September 2018
- Prof. Dr. Cecilio Angulo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
BarcelonaTECH , Spain
- Dr.-Ing. Zoe Falomir, Universität Bremen, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Davide Anguita, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
- Prof. Núria Agell, ESADE - Ramon Llull University, Spain
- Dr. Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For further information, please contact Zoe Falomir (zfalomir at uni-bremen
dot de)
Best regards,
Dr.-Ing. Zoe Falomir Llansola
Twitter at @zfalomir
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