Connectionists: Special Issue on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems (ProSocrates) (15 Nov)
Zoe Falomir
zfalomir at
Wed Nov 1 09:17:25 EDT 2017
Special Issue on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in
Cognitive Systems (ProSocrates) @ Cognitive Systems Research, Elsevier
The focus of this ProSocrates Special Issue is to bring
problem-solving, spatial cognition/reasoning, cognitive systems and
creativity disciplines together, by bringing in dialogue specialists
from each of the fields. Authors of experimental, theoretical and
computational work which combines perspectives from at least 2 these
topics are invited to submit contributions. The larger aim of
integrating these topics is to produce theoretical tools, approaches
and methodologies for creative and spatial problem solving in
cognitive systems, in a manner that would benefit from such
interdisciplinary bootstrapping.
Papers included in this issue will address such questions/debates as:
How spatial reasoning can help in problem solving?
How can problems be modeled in order to be solved creatively?
How can spatial reasoning improve cognitive and/or creative skills in
people? and in cognitive systems?
What is the relation between Creativity and Spatial Reasoning?
How sketches, shapes and colours can be interpreted cognitively and/or
What is the relation between computational creativity, cognitive
creativity and reasoning?
How analogy and metaphor, image schemas and concept blending shed
light on creative problem solving?
Possible topics to be explored by the contributions to this special
issue include:
Spatial cognition, creative cognition
Spatial reasoning, case-based reasoning, analogical reasoning
General and spatial problem solving, knowledge representation for
problem-solving, cross-modal creativity and problem solving
Analogy and metaphor, concept blending, image schemas
Cognitive modeling and qualitative modeling
Computational creativity, computational cognitive systems
Symbolic, subsymbolic and hybrid approaches, evolutionary approaches
and genetic algorithms
Systems for enhancing human spatial reasoning and/or creativity
Cognitive recommender systems, natural and artificial cognitive systems
Visuospatial creativity, insight and re-representation
Applications in Education, Robotics, Design, etc.
Submissions to the special issue must include original research.
Papers must be new and have not been published or submitted to other
journals. Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the
"Guide for Authors" available at the journal homepage:
Submission should be made via the EVISE system:
Authors must select “VSI: ProSocrates” when they reach the "Article
Type" step in the submission process. All papers will be peer-reviewed
following the reviewing procedures of the Cognitive Systems Research
(CSR) journal.
All papers will undergo a preliminary screening to ensure relevance to
the special issue prior to be the peer-review phase; research papers
that do not sufficiently address the special issue call may not be
selected for a full peer review (such a decision will be communicated
Deadline for paper submission: November 15th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: July 15th, 2018
Publication date: September 15th, 2018
Zoe Falomir
University of Bremen, Bremen Spatial Cognition Centre, Germany
zfalomir at
Ana-Maria Oltețeanu
University of Bremen, Bremen Spatial Cognition Centre, Germany
amoodu at
Kind regards,
Dr.-Ing. Zoe Falomir
Dr.-Ing. Zoe Falomir Llansola
Twitter @zfalomir
CogQDA project Twitter @CogQDA
Spatial Cognition Research Centre
Universität Bremen
Büro: Cartesium 3.54
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
28359 Bremen
Phone + 49 (0) 421-218-64282
Fax + 49 (0) 421-218-64239
Dr.-Ing. Zoe Falomir Llansola
Twitter at @zfalomir
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