Connectionists: 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning - submission deadline extended

2017 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning fo Signal Processing mlsp at
Mon May 29 05:51:48 EDT 2017

Submission deadline extended - 2017 IEEE International Workshop on 
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)
September 25-28, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan

New Schedule:
Paper submission	June 11, 2017
Paper update deadline	June 14, 2017
Review notification	July 22, 2017
Author rebuttal period	July 22-27, 2017
Reviewer discussion period	July 28-August 2, 2017
Decision notifications	August 7, 2017
Camera-ready paper deadline	August 28, 2017
Author advance registration	August 28, 2017

The 27th MLSP workshop in the series of workshops organized by the IEEE 
Signal Processing Society MLSP Technical Committee will present the most 
recent and exciting advances in machine learning for signal processing 
through keynote talks, tutorials, as well as special and regular 
single-track sessions. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers 
on relevant algorithms and applications including, but not limited to:

- Bayesian learning and signal processing
- Cognitive information processing
- Deep learning techniques
- Dictionary learning
- Graphical and kernel methods
- Independent component analysis
- Information-theoretic learning
- Learning theory and algorithms
- Pattern recognition and classification
- Bounds on performance
- Subspace and manifold learning
- Sequential learning and decision methods
- Source separation
- Tensor and structured matrix methods
- Machine learning from big data
- Scalable learning algorithms
- Applications including: speech, audio & music, image & video, 
biomedical signals & images, communications, bioinformatics, biometrics, 
systems biology, computational intelligence, genomic signals & 
sequences, social networks, games, smart grid, security & privacy

The competition is organized in conjunction with the workshop. The goal 
of the competition is to advance the current state-of-the-art in 
theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing domains.

MLSP 2017 will include Special Sessions that address research in 
emerging or interdisciplinary areas of particular interest, not covered 
already by traditional MLSP sessions.

The MLSP Best Student Paper Award will be granted to the best paper for 
which a student is the principal author and presenter.

Prospective authors are invited to submit a double column paper of up to 
six pages using the electronic submission procedure at Accepted papers will be published on a 
password-protected website that will be available during the workshop. 
The presented papers will be published in and indexed by IEEE Xplore.

Paper submission	June 11, 2017
Decision notifications	August 7, 2017
Camera-ready paper deadline	August 28, 2017
Author advance registration	August 28, 2017

General Chairs:
Tomoko Matsui, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
Jen-Tzung Chien, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Program Chairs:
Naonori Ueda, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan
Shinji Watanabe, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA

Finance Chair:
Motoi Okamoto, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan

Data Competition Chairs:
Karim Seghouane, University of Melbourne, Australia
Yuejie Chi, Ohio State University, USA

Publicity Chair:
Marc Van Hulle, KU Leuven, Belgium

Publication Chair:
Jan Larsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Program Advisory Committee:
Shigeru Katagiri, Doshisha University, Japan
Tulay Adali, University of Maryland, USA
Vince Calhoun, University of New Mexico, USA
Raviv Raich, Oregon State University, USA

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