Connectionists: MIT Press new title: The Digital Mind

Arlindo Oliveira aml at
Wed May 10 11:04:03 EDT 2017

Dear Connectionists Listserv Members,

MIT Press recently published a general interest book that may be 
interesting for some members of this list:

The Digital Mind: How Science Is Redefining Humanity
Publisher: MIT Press
Author: Arlindo Oliveira
ISBN: 9780262338387


What do computers, cells, and brains have in common? Computers are 
electronic devices designed by humans; cells are biological entities 
crafted by evolution; brains are the containers and creators of our 
minds. But all are, in one way or another, information-processing 
devices. The power of the human brain is, so far, unequaled by any 
existing machine or known living being. Over eons of evolution, the 
brain has enabled us to develop tools and technology to make our lives 
easier. Our brains have even allowed us to develop computers that are 
almost as powerful as the human brain itself. This book describes how 
advances in science and technology could enable us to create digital minds.

Exponential growth is a pattern built deep into the scheme of life, but 
technological change now promises to outstrip even evolutionary change. 
The book describes technological and scientific advances that range from 
the discovery of the laws that control the behavior of the 
electromagnetic fields to the development of computers. The book 
describes evolution as the ultimate algorithm, discusses genetics and 
the evolution of the central nervous system, and describes the role that 
computer imaging has played in understanding and modeling the brain. 
Having considered the behavior of the unique system that creates a mind, 
the book addresses an unavoidable question: Is the human brain the only 
system that can host a mind? If digital minds come into existence (and 
it is difficult to argue that they will not) what are the social, legal, 
and ethical implications? Will digital minds be our partners, or our rivals?

-- Arlindo Oliveira
Computer Science and Engineering Dept.
Instituto Superior Técnico

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