Connectionists: Job Announcement for a Research Assistant position in the areas of Neuroimaging and Computational Neuroscience

Manish Saggar manish.saggar at
Sun Mar 26 01:18:12 EDT 2017

Brain Dynamics Lab
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine

Job Announcement for a Research Assistant position in the areas of
Neuroimaging and Computational Neuroscience

About us:
BDL is a computational neuropsychiatry lab dedicated to developing
computational methods for a better understanding of individual differences
in brain functioning in healthy and patient populations. Current projects
include – [1] Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics in brain activity to
develop person- and disorder-centric biomarkers; [2] Understanding the role
of brain dynamics for optimized learning and performance in individual and
team settings; and [3] Developing methods that use network science (or
graph theory), connectomics, machine learning, and signal processing for
better understanding of brain dynamics.

Job Description:
Applications are currently being invited for a Research Assistant position
in the Brain Dynamics Lab @ Stanford, under the direction of Dr. Manish
Saggar. Responsibilities for this position include: Developing neuroimaging
experiments, collecting neuroimaging data, processing and analysis. Imaging
modalities to be handled include functional and structural MRI, EEG, and

Job Qualifications:
The minimum qualifications for a successful candidate include:
[1] Bachelors in Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Computer Science, Computational Neuroscience, Data Science, or
other related scientific fields.
[2] Proficient in programming in Matlab, Python, and other related
computing languages
[3] Experience with AWS or other cloud computing environments is preferred,
but not required.
[4] Experience with one or more MRI/EEG/NIRS data analysis packages (e.g.,
AFNI, FSL, EEGLAB, HOMER etc.) is preferred, but not required.
[5] Ability to work effectively in a very collaborative and
multidisciplinary environment.

For inquiries please contact Dr. Manish Saggar ( at saggar at To apply please
send your CV to saggar at
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