Connectionists: Call for seed funding proposals for neuroinformatics courses and curricula | Apply by April 30

Malin Sandström malin.sandstrom at
Tue Mar 21 10:17:37 EDT 2017

Dear all,

INCF* invites applications for seed funding of courses and curricula
related to neuroinformatics. Two categories are available: smaller grants
for BSc or MSc curricula, and bigger grants for courses.

*Curriculum grants* are expected to range from $1000 to $3000. Applicants
should develop a Program of Study for either the Bachelor’s or Master’s
level of study. The application should include: i. Mission statements, ii.
objectives, iii. rationales for the courses included in the Program of
Study, iv. Syllabi for the courses within the Program of Study.

*Course grants* are expected to range from $2000 to $20000. Funds may be
used to support the inclusion of neuroinformatics lectures in existing
courses (fund travel for instructors), support the video recording of
existing neuroinformatics-related courses, and support the development of
neuroinformatics-related training materials (tutorials, demos, etc…), as
well as support the holding of in-person courses and hackathons. All
materials generated under the Course Grants Funding Scheme are to be
deposited in the INCF Training Materials Repository and be released with
permissive licence (eg CC0)

More information:
The last day to apply is *April 30*. There are no geographical restrictions
- anyone can apply.

*INCF is an international organization launched in 2005, following a
proposal from the Global Science Forum of the OECD to establish
international coordination and collaborative informatics infrastructure for
neuroscience. The INCF international network currently spans North America,
Europe, Australia and Asia. INCF fosters the global digital
interconnectivity of data, methods and people engaged in brain research to
catalyze insights into brain function in health and disease.

Malin Sandström, PhD
Community Engagement Officer
malin.sandstrom at

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 15 A
SE-171 77  Stockholm
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