Connectionists: SSBSS 2017 - Deadline is Approaching 31 March 2017 - INTERNATIONAL SYNTHETIC & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY SUMMER SCHOOL, University of Cambridge, England, July 17 to 21
Giuseppe Nicosia
nicosia at
Mon Mar 20 04:51:55 EDT 2017
Call for Participation (apologies for multiple copies)
Please kindly help forward it to potentially interested attendees
Dear Colleagues,
deadline is approaching 31 March 2017
* Biology meets Computer Science & Engineering *
at the University of Cambridge, UK, July 17 to 21, 2017
The synthetic & systems biology summer school provides students, post-docs, academics and industry professionals with an intense learning experience on the theory and
applications of modern synthetic & systems biology. Over the course of one week,
a panel of internationally renowned experts of the field will offer
lectures and tutorials covering basic as well as advanced topics.
Confirmed Speakers
* Antonino Cattaneo, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy
* Jasmin Fisher, Microsoft Research & Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, UK
* Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
* Jim Haseloff, University of Cambridge, UK
* Jay Keasling, University of California, Berkeley, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Joint BioEnergy Institute, USA
* Edda Klipp, Humboldt University, Germany
* Natalio Krasnogor, Centre for Synthetic Biology and Bioexploitation, Newcastle University, UK
* Markus Ralser, Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, University of Cambridge, UK & The Francis Crick Institute London, UK
* Uwe Sauer, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Eriko Takano, Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre, University of Manchester, UK
* Sarah Teichmann, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute & EMBL, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
Industrial Panel
* Jonathan Chesnut, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA
Other speakers will be announced soon.
Application process
Applications are invited from graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, academics
and industry professionals looking to use, or already using synthetic biology
and/or systems biology methods in their work. Prior experience
is not strictly required.
Applicants will be asked to submit a CV. We are also seeking to give participants a chance to discuss their own work with their peers and the speakers.
As option, it is possible for each applicant to provide the abstract of a poster they would like to present at the school.
The School will involve a total of 36-40 hours of lectures, the final achievement will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the students attending the summer school.
The application system is now open:
Important Dates:
* April 10, 2017 Notification Acceptance
* The school will take place from July 17 to July 21, 2017
Massimo Gulisano, University of Catania, Italy
Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy
Steve G. Oliver, University of Cambridge, UK
Call for Posters & Talks
The International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School is especially aimed to provide a stimulating environment for young researchers, Post-Doc, Ph.D. Students and M.Sc. Students.
They will have the possibility to present the results of their research activities on the topic of the summer school, and to interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly and constructive way.
Applicants may submit an abstract to present their results. The abstract should be submitted before 31 March.
In general, everyone participating in the summer school is invited to bring a poster to display their work. If you are interested in contributing, please give brief details when you submit your application.
Suitable space will be reserved to the applicants for showing their posters.
Submit an abstract today for the Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School & Workshop (SSBSS 2017):
inquiries should be directed to at
* Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement *
Please help us distributing in your circles (emails, blogs, and social networks) the call for participation and call for oral talks/posters for SSBSS 2017.
Together we will make SSBSS a great event!
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