Connectionists: CFP: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS), and Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM)

Huajin Tang huajin.tang at
Tue Jun 20 23:47:36 EDT 2017

The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent
Systems (CIS), and Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM)

19-21 November, 2017, Ningbo, China

It is our great honor and pleasure to have the 8th IEEE International
Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and the 8th IEEE
International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM),
which will be held from 19 to 21 November, 2017, in Pan Pacific Hotel,
Ningbo, China.

*About CIS-RAM : *The IEEE International Conferences on CIS & RAM have
always been held together, to exploit the synergistic relationship between
both areas. CIS-RAM was first held in Singapore in 2004, followed by
Thailand in 2006, Chengdu (China) in 2008, Singapore in 2010, Qingdao
(China) in 2011, Manila (Philippines) in 2013, and Angkor Wat (Cambodia) in
2015. CIS-RAM 2017 will be held in Ningbo which is located in the middle
part of China's mainland coastline and in the south of Yangtze River delta.
Ningbo is recognized as one of the China’s most beautiful harbor and
multicultural cities.

*Programs and Topics on CIS: *Cybernetics, Automation and Control;
Cooperative Systems and Control; Multi-Agent Systems; Discrete Event
Systems; Supervisory Control; Hybrid Systems; Networked Dynamical Systems;
Computational Intelligence; Swarm Intelligence; Soft Computing; Fuzzy
Systems; Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithms; Evolutionary Computation;
Image Processing; Systems Modeling & Control; Smart Sensor Networks;
Environmental Systems; Bio-inspired Systems; Cyber-physical Systems;
Human/Machine Systems; Transportation Systems; Manufacturing Systems;
Decision Support Systems; System of Systems; Big Data; Internet of Things;
Energy Efficiency.

*Programs and Topics on RAM: *Robotics and Automation in Unstructured
Environment; Personal and Service Robotics; Underwater Robotics; Medical
Robots and Systems; Social Robotics; Industrial Robotics; Manufacturing
Automation; Servo Motors and Actuators; Sensor Design, Integration, and
Fusion; Robot Vision, Human-Robot Interfaces; Haptics, Tele-robotics, and
Network Robotics; Micro/Nano Robotics; Distributed, Cellular, and
Multi-robot Systems; Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems; Intelligent
Transportation Systems; Modeling, Planning and Control; Kinematics,
Mechanics, and Mechanism Design; Legged Robots; Wheeled Mobile Robots;
Aerial Robotics; Robot Dynamics; Motion Control; Force/Impedance Control;
Robot Programming; Methodologies for Robotics and Automation; Virtual
Reality; Localization and Tracking.

*Best Paper Awards: *The conference will provide two awards: best
conference paper award and best student paper.

*Paper Submission:*

Papers must be written in English and should describe original work. The
length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (A4 size, single
spacing, Times Roman of font size 10, double columns format, in pdf form),
including figures, tables and references. Papers will be published in the
conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially
registered. All the papers in the conference proceedings will be indexed in
the *IEEE Library, ISI Proceedings, and EI Compendex database*.

*Important Dates:*

Paper Submission Deadline:           30 Jun 2017
Notification of Acceptance:            15 Aug 2017
Final Camera-Ready Manuscript:   15 Sep 2017
Registration:                                    15 Sep 2017
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