Connectionists: SMB Mathematical Neuroscience: Goals, plans and membership

Horacio G. Rotstein horacio at
Tue Jan 24 00:49:48 EST 2017

Dear Colleagues

                 We are very happy to share with you the news of the
creation of the *Mathematical Neuroscience sub-group within the Society for
Mathematical Biology (SMB)*. Thanks to all of you who supported this
initiative by signing the petition.

We envision this group to play an important role in identifying future
grand challenges and collectively solving new problems.

*Primary Goals and grand plans*

   - to provide a forum for the promotion and advancement of
   interdisciplinary research and dissemination of knowledge in mathematical,
   computational and theoretical neuroscience.

   - to promote the interaction between theoretical and experimental

   - to promote education and outreach in all topics related to
   mathematical neuroscience.

   - to organize sub-group meetings at future SMB annual meetings. The next
   two will take place in Sydney (Australia) in 2018 and Montreal (Quebec,
   Canada) in 2019.

   - To advertise and contribute to mathematical neuroscience events of
   interest to the community, such us the upcoming International Conference in
   Mathematical Neuroscience in Boulder, CO (May 30 - June 2, 2017). [

   - To advertise the Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) as a
   natural society/sub-group journal that is complementary to the Bulletin of
   Mathematical Biology. []

   - To encourage the dissemination of sub-group meetings though special
   issues of the JMN (using guest editors).

   - To raise the profile of this growing field in the wider community.


       SMB and ESMTB members are invited to join SMB MathNeuro (joint
membership is not required).

   - The initial membership of the Mathematical Neuroscience subgroup are
   all SMB members who have supported the petition. If you belong to this
   group you don't have to do anything.

   - SMB or ESMTB members who would like to join SMB MathNeuro are asked to
   fill out the information in the google form linked below. (SMB members and
   SMB - ESMTB members enjoy reduced registration costs to the SMB annual

   - Non SMB or ESMTB members are encouraged to join the SMB or SMB - ESMTB
   and become MathNeuro members


                                        Horacio, NY/NJ area.

"Az di bobe volt gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeide" (Yiddish

Horacio G. Rotstein
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ, 07102, USA.

Graduate Faculty
Behavioral Neuroscience Program
Rutgers University (NWK) and
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Rutgers / NJIT

tel: (1-973) 596-5306

e-mail: horacio at
            horacior at <horacio at>
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