Connectionists: New replications in ReScience

Nicolas P. Rougier Nicolas.Rougier at
Mon Jan 23 13:10:06 EST 2017

Dear all,

It's my great pleasure to announce that the following articles:

* How Attention Can Create Synaptic Tags for the Learning of Working Memories in Sequential Tasks
  J. Rombouts, M. Bohte and P. Roelfsema (2015)
  PLoS Computational Biology 11.3, e1004060. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004060

* Ionic Current Model of a Hypoglossal Motoneuron
  Purvis LK., Butera RJ., (2005)
  Journal of Neurophysiology, 93, 723–733

have been successfully replicated in ReScience:

* [Re] How Attention Can Create Synaptic Tags for the Learning of Working Memories in Sequential Tasks
  Erwan Le Masson & Frédéric Alexandre, ReScience, volume 2, issue 1, 2016.

* [Re] Ionic Current Model of a Hypoglossal Motoneuron
  Aaron Shifman, ReScience, volume 3, issue 1, 2017.

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Nicolas P. Rougier


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