Connectionists: CFP: Re-Coding Black Mirror at WWW 2018

Mathieu D'Aquin mathieu.daquin at
Thu Dec 28 08:51:52 EST 2017

Call for papers
Re-coding Black Mirror-
One day workshop, The Web Conference, WWW 2018
24 April 2018, Lyon


Black Mirror is a British sci-fi series directed by Charlie Brooker
portraying a dystopian future emanating from the wide use of digital
advancements. Even though Black Mirror’s episodes do not entirely rely on
the widespread availability of existing technology, some of the
advancements presented are not from such a distant future. The ethical and
social implications emerging from the increasing reliance on digital media
(partly depicted in the series) has been a longstanding debate in critical
studies underlying issues around privacy, social control, social and
individual justice and other key values around Democracy such as freedom of
speech. Computer science has picked up on such kind of issues focusing
mainly on privacy offering technical solutions such as privacy by design
and encryption amongst other tools.


Re-coding Black Mirror is an one-day workshop which aims at creating
dialogue and connections between computer, data and social scientists that
are interested in the societal and ethical implications of web
technologies. In order to address emerging social phenomena from different
perspectives, the workshop employs a novel interactive format, where
researchers are invited to create futuristic scenarios as the ones depicted
in Black Mirror, exploring the potential societal and ethical concerns of
their own research. It will also be a forum for raising opportunities of
networking with scholars from different fields to explore novel research
problems that can be relevant to both the web and social science


Given the novelty of the workshop format, we welcome submissions addressing
two different issues, as explained in the brief summaries below. Possible
submissions are not restricted to those examples, but works addressing
those scenarios would be very much welcome too. You can also look at the
submissions of the Re-coding Black Mirror 2017 edition [2]. (1) Works
showing how the ongoing research in the web community could enable/lead to
scenarios similar to the ones presented in Black Mirror episodes.

For example:

* How could advances in natural language processing and social media
analysis enable the creation of a bot mimicking the personality of a dead
person based on their available information online? (S02E01)

* How could web technologies be used to integrate information about another
person from multiple online sources (digital footprinting), providing a
mean for stalking or even blackmailing them? (S03E03)

(2) Works showing how the ongoing research in the web community could
prevent/minimise risks such as the ones depicted in Black Mirror episodes.

For example:

* How could web technologies be designed to prevent the abuse of user
ratings based on the relations between people and information about their
network/context? (S03E01)

* How could content and network analysis be used to reduce or counter the
spread of hate on social media? (S03E06)

Please submit your contribution to the workshop by February 10th (23:59
Hawaii time) through the easychair system [1], choosing the track
"#RCBlackMirror2018: Re-Coding Black Mirror Workshop" under the
WWW2018Satellites conference. We accept three categories of submissions:

* Full papers (max 8 pages) on research and applied technologies,
* Short papers (max 4 pages) about visions and positions on forthcoming
challenges, * Abstracts (max 2 pages) on the societal and ethical risks of
the aforementioned technologies.

All papers should be formatted using the ACM template (Latex [3] and Word
template [4] accepted). We expect each paper to take as a starting point
one futuristic scenario, either directly from Black Mirror or of a similar
nature, as motivation for the work presented.

* PINELOPI TROULLINOU, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
* MATHIEU D'AQUIN, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland
* ILARIA TIDDI, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK

[1] (New
submission -> Track "#RCBlackMirror2018: Re-Coding Black Mirror Workshop")
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