Connectionists: [Deadline Extended] - BI 2017 - Call for Abstracts

Yang yang at
Tue Aug 15 04:28:00 EDT 2017

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]


The 2017 International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'17)

"Investigating the Brain and Mind from Informatics Perspective"

November 16-18, 2017, Beijing, China


One-line submission:


1. "Multimodal Modelling of Network Propagation of Neuropathology in Dementia"
  Alan Evans (McGill University, Canada)

2. "Neural Correlates of Word, Sentence and Story Comprehension"
  Tom Mitchell (Carnegie Mellon University, US)

3. "The Cognitive Neural Basis of Object Knowledge"
  Yanchao Bi (Beijing Normal University, China)

4. "Harnessing Large-Scale Data-Sharing to Drive Discovery and Bench-to-Bedside 
  Translation in Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury"
  Adam Ferguson (University of California San Francisco, US)

5. "Computational Psychophysiology Based Research Methodology for Mental Health"
  Bin Hu (Lanzhou University, China)

6. "Multiscale Gene Expression Signatures in the Mammalian Brain in Health and Disease"
  Michael  Hawrylycz (Allen Institute for Brain Science, US)

7. "Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Analysis"
  Dinggang Shen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)


Abstract submission (TYPE II) is still open!

To submit abstracts to workshops/special sessions, 
please visit  

# Workshop on Brain and Artificial Intelligence (BAI 2017)
  Yi Zeng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Shuliang Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

# Workshop on Knowledge Representation: Brain and Machine (KRBM 2017)
  Yanchao Bi, Beijing Normal University, China 
  Yi Zeng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

# Workshop on Affective, Psychological and Physiological Computing 
  (APPC 2017)
  Bin Hu, Lanzhou University, China
  Zhijun Yao, Lanzhou University, China
  Mi Li, Beijing University of Technology, China

# Workshop on Big Data and Visualization for Brainsmatics (BDVB 2017)
  Qingming Luo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
  Anan LI, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

# Workshop on Brain Big Data Based Wisdom Service (BBDBWS 2017)
  Jiajin Huang, Beijing University of Technology, China

# Workshop on Semantic Technology for eHealth (STeH 2017)
  Jiao Li, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China
  Zhisheng Huang, Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

# Workshop on Big Data Neuroimaging Analytics for Brain and Mental 
  Health (BDNABMH 2017)
  Shouyi Wang, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

# Workshop on Novel Methods of the Brain Imaging in the Clinical and 
  Preclinical Neuroscience (NMBICPN 2017)
  Vassiliy Tsytsarev, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
  Vicky Yamamoto, Keck School of Medicine of USC, USA
  Yan Li, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

# The 1st International Workshop on Deep Learning in Brain MRI and 
  Pathology Images (DLBMPI 2017)
  Yan Xu, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, BUAA
  Eric Chang, Microsoft Research Asia

# Workshop on Mesoscopic Brainformatics (MBAI 2017)
  Dezhong Yao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China 
  Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
  Yong He, Beijing Normal University, China 
  Li Dong, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

# Special Session on Brain Informatics in Neurogenetics (BIN 2017)
  Hong Liang, Harbin Engineering University, China
  Lei Du, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  Li Shen, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA

# Special Session on BigNeuron Project (BP 2017)
  Zhi Zhou, Allen Institute for Brain Sciences, USA
  Min Liu, Hunan University, China

Brain Informatics (BI) conference series provides a premier forum to
bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields of
neuroscience, cognitive science, computer science, data science,
artificial intelligence, information communication technologies, and
neuroimaging technologies.

BI'17 addresses the computational, cognitive, physiological,
biological, physical, ecological and social perspectives of brain
informatics, as well as topics relating to mental health and
well-being. It also welcomes emerging information technologies,
including but not limited to Internet/Web of Things (IoT/WoT), cloud
computing, big data analytics and interactive knowledge discovery
related to brain research. BI'17 also encourages submissions that
explore how advanced computing technologies are applied to and make a
difference in various large-scale brain studies and their

BI'17 welcomes paper submissions (full paper and abstract
submissions). Both research and application papers are solicited.  All
submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality,
relevance, significance and clarity. Accepted full papers will be
included in the proceedings by Springer LNCS/LNAI.

Workshop, Special-Session and Tutorial proposals, and
Industry/Demo-Track papers are also welcome.  The organizers of
Workshops and Special-Sessions are invited to prepare a book proposal
based on the topics of the workshop/special session for possible book
publication in the Springer-Nature Brain Informatics & Health book
series (

*** Topics and Areas ***

Track 1: Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Brain Science
Track 2: Investigations of Human Information Processing Systems
Track 3: Brain Big Data Analytics, Curation and Management
Track 4: Informatics Paradigms for Brain and Mental Health
Track 5: Brain-Inspired Intelligence and Computing

May 1, 2017: Submission deadline for full papers
June 20, 2017: Notification of full paper acceptance
July 20, 2017: Submission deadline for workshop/special-session papers
August 30, 2017: Submission deadline for abstracts (TYPE-II)
(for both main conference and workshops/special sessions)
November 16, 2017: Tutorials, workshops and special-sessions
November 17-18, 2017: Main conference

(Submission Deadline: August 30, 2017):

Abstracts have a word limit of 500 words. Experimental research is
particularly welcome. Accepted abstract submissions will be included
in the conference program, and will be published as a single,
collective proceedings volume.

Title: Include in the title of the abstract all words critical for a
subject index. Write your title in sentence case (first letter is
capitalized; remaining letters are lower case). Do not bold or
italicize your full title.

Author: List all authors who contributed to the work discussed in the
abstract. The presenting author must be listed in the first author
slot of the list. Be prepared to submit contact information as well as
conflict of interest information for each author listed.

Abstract: Enter the body of the abstract and attach any applicable
graphic files or tables here. Do not re-enter the title, author,
support, or other information that is collected in other steps of the
submission form.

Presentation Preference: Authors may select from three presentation
formats when submitting an abstract: "poster only", "talk preferred"
or "no preference." The "talk preferred" selection indicates that you
would like to give a talk, but will accept a poster format if
necessary. Marking "poster only" indicates that you would not like to
be considered for an oral-presentation session. Selecting "no
preference" indicates the author's willingness to be placed in the
best format for the program.

Each paper or abstract requires one sponsoring attendee (i.e. someone
who registered and is attending the conference).  A single attendee
can not sponsor more than two abstracts or papers.

Oral presentations will be selected from both full length papers and

One-line submission:

*** Post-Conference Journal Publication ***

The Brain Informatics conferences have the formal ties with Brain
Informatics journal (Springer-Nature, Accepted abstracts from the conference
will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the 
Brain Informatics journal each year. It is fully sponsored and no any 
article-processing fee charged for authors of Brain Informatics conference.

General Chairs

Bo Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Hanchuan Peng (Allen Institute for Brain Sciences, USA)
Qingming Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Program Committee Chairs

Yi Zeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Yong He (Beijing Normal University, China)
Jeanette Kotaleski (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Maryann Martone (University of California, San Diego, USA)

Organizing Chairs

Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan, and
     Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Internet Technology,
     Beijing University of Technology, China
Jianzhou Yan (Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Internet Technology,
     Beijing University of Technology, China)
Shengfu Lu (Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Internet Technology,
     Beijing University of Technology, China)

Workshop/Special-Session Chairs

An'an Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Sen Song (Tsinghua University, China)

Tutorial Chair

Wenming Zheng (South East University, China)
Publicity Chairs

Tielin Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Shouyi Wang (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Yang Yang (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan, and
   Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Internet Technology,
   Beijing University of Technology, China)
Steering Committee Chairs

Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Hanchuan Peng (Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA)

*** Contact Information ***
tielin.zhang at
shouyiw at
yang at

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