Connectionists: Research survey "Defining (machine) Intelligence"

AGISI org agisiorg at
Fri Aug 4 11:36:16 EDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are conducting a survey to gather expert opinions on defining (machine)

Below is the text of our invite. We would be very grateful for your support.


A recent survey of Artificial Intelligence (AI) educators by Michael
Wollowski, Peter Norvig and others (Wollowski et al., 2016) showed a stark
difference of opinion about the definition of Artificial Intelligence.

We invite you to participate in our survey "Defining (machine)
Intelligence" ( to gather opinions, from a cross
sector of professionals, ultimately to help create a unified message on the
goal and definition of AI.

Our preliminary research shows that theories of intelligence and the goal
of AI have been the source of much confusion both within the field and
among the general public, which may in part be due to the lack of a
coherent identity and goal for AI. For example, in the opening sentence of
Nils J. Nilsson's book (2010), The Quest for Artificial Intelligence. A
History of Ideas and Achievements, he states: “Artificial intelligence may
lack an agreed-upon definition.”

We hope the results of our study, which will also include a rigorous review
of the literature, will help inform academics, researchers, and
practitioners with respect to an agreed upon definition of AI from the
widest number of practitioners and researchers.

Furthermore, even though many researchers indicate that supporting humanity
should be the goal of AI, misconceptions of the field abound. By clarifying
the known definitions of intelligence and research goals of Machine
Intelligence this should help us and other AI practitioners spread a
stronger, more coherent message, to the mainstream media, policymakers,
investors, and the general public to help dispel myths about AI.

The survey ( may be completed anonymously but if you
would like to be notified when the paper is available or have your
definition of intelligence be considered for inclusion (with your name
alongside) in our coming research paper, then there is also the opportunity
to add your name and email address.

Please send an invitation to any homo sapiens (our human bias excludes AI's
from participating in this survey) that you feel will be interested and
could contribute toward this important principle.
The survey is available here:

Thank you very much for your contribution!

Dr. Colin W. P. Lewis
Ph.D. in Behavioral Economics and Data Science, AGI Sentinel Initiative (

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Monett
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Berlin School of Economics and Law, AGI Sentinel Initiative (

Email: info at

Privacy statement:
Any personal information collected in this survey will be processed by researchers in accordance with the terms and conditions of the EU
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). We
will hold your data securely and not make it available to any third party
unless permitted or required to do so by law.

Nilsson, N. J. (2010). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence. A History of
Ideas and Achievements. Cambridge University Press.
Wollowski, M. et al. (2016). A Survey of Current Practice and Teaching of
AI. In D. Schuurmans  and M. Wellman (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI'16, Phoenix, Arizona, pp.
4119-4124, Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press.
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