Connectionists: 5 PhD studentships in interdisciplinary infancy research at Lancaster University, UK for entry in October 2017

Westermann, Gert g.westermann at
Mon Nov 21 06:15:58 EST 2016

** Apologies for cross-posting **

PhD studentships in infancy research at Lancaster University, UK

5 PhD studentships in interdisciplinary infancy research for entry in October 2017


(Note: This programme takes a cognitive science approach to infant development, and computational modelling is explicitly part of the research methods.)

Deadline for applications: 15 February, 2017

Lancaster University, one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom, has one of the largest infancy research groups in Europe. Here, we study cognitive, language, social and emotional development in populations ranging from foetuses to pre-school children with a large range of methods (e.g., eye tracking, EEG, computational modelling, NIRS, 4D ultrasound).

We are now inviting applications for five fully funded PhD scholarships for entry in October 2017. Four of the scholarships will cover UK/EU fees, and the fifth will additionally cover the higher overseas (international) fees. All scholarships provide a living stipend (currently £14,296) and an exceptionally generous training and research allowance for three years. These scholarships are funded through the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Programme in Interdisciplinary Research on Infant Development, which will provide  a total of 22  PhD studentships over six years. 2017 is the third year of this programme.

The Programme is based in the Psychology Department of Lancaster University (UK; see ). Links with other departments in the University (Linguistics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics) exist and will be further developed.

The studentships will have a strong interdisciplinary focus with the expectation to employ multiple methodologies.


Applicants should have an excellent undergraduate, and normally Masters degree, in Psychology or a related discipline. Before sending your application you must contact an individual staff member to discuss your specific interests and to develop a 1500-word research proposal  as part of your application (see for staff research interests). Your application should identify your planned supervisor and (potentially) co-supervisor.

You should apply online to the University through the usual route for a PhD in Psychology by the deadline of 15 February, 2017. In the application, please state clearly that you are applying for the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Programme. You must ensure that references have been provided by the deadline (otherwise the application may not be considered). After the deadline, applications will be reviewed. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview before award decisions are made.

For more details see .

For further information concerning the studentships, please contact Prof. Gert Westermann (g.westermann at, and about postgraduate study more generally, please contact the Department of Psychology postgraduate office (postgraduate.psychology at See the Lancaster Leverhulme Scholarship Programme website for more information. Further information about PhD study at Lancaster can be found here:

Prof. Gert Westermann
Department of Psychology
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YF
Phone: +44 (0)1524 592 942
g.westermann at<mailto:g.westermann at>

New book: Harris & Westermann: A Student’s Guide to Developmental Psychology. Psychology Press.<>

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