Connectionists: 2nd CFP "Machine Learning Methods Applied to Medicine" SS @ IJCNN 2017

Beatriz Remeseiro López bremeseiro at
Mon Nov 7 04:45:08 EST 2016

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP] 

Call for papers: special session on "Machine Learning Methods Applied to Medicine" at IJCNN 2017 

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017) 

May 14-19, 2017 - Anchorage, Alaska (USA) - 

Machine Learning Methods Applied to Medicine 

Organized by: Veronica Bolon-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos (University of A Coruña, Spain), Beatriz Remeseiro (University of Barcelona, Spain), Aurélio Campilho (University of Porto, Portugal) 

Machine learning has been an active research area in the last decades finding success in many different applications, among them in medical problems. Since machine learning is capable of automating manual processes which practitioners have to carry out --usually time-consuming and subjective--, its use can save time for practitioners and provide unbiased and repeatable results. Furthermore, it is common that data in medicine have large dimensionality but reduced sample size, making even more necessary the use of advanced machine learning techniques for clinical interpretation and analysis. 

The aim of this special session is to investigate the use of different machine learning techniques or approaches applied to medical problems. Additionally, it provides a platform for academics and clinical researchers to present and share their cutting-edge methods to deal with medical applications, as well as discussing the new challenges that have recently emerged in this exciting cross-disciplinary field . The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 


New challenges in machine learning for medicine 

Machine learning for personalized medicine 

Artificial intelligence in medicine 

Clinical interpretation and analysis 

Computer-aided detection and diagnosis 

Decision support systems 

Feature selection and extraction in medicine 

Big data in healthcare 

Deep learning in large-scale datasets 

Learning in uncertainty labeled data 

Learning from sparse/missing/imbalanced data 

Biomedical signal and image analysis 

Bioinformatics and microarray analysis 

Brain-computer interfaces 

Submitted papers will be reviewed according to the IJCNN reviewing process and will be evaluated on their scientific value: originality, correctness, and writing style. 


Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2016 

Paper decision notification: January 20, 2017 

Camera-ready submission: February 20, 2017 IJCNN conference: May 14-19, 2017 

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