Connectionists: [CFP Deadline extension]: NIPS 2016 Workshop on Constructive Machine Learning

Fabrizio Costa costa at
Thu Nov 3 11:47:27 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the new edition of the Constructive
Machine Learning workshop this year will be held at NIPS Barcelona,
Spain, Sat Dec 10th.
Please visit for more details.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Best Regards,

Fabrizio Costa, Thomas Gärtner, Andrea Passerini, François Pachet

Call for Papers
NIPS 2016 Workshop on Constructive Machine Learning (NIPS CML)

A workshop at the Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference on Neural Information
Processing Systems
(NIPS 2016)
Barcelona, Spain
Sat Dec 10th 08:00 AM -- 06:30 PM


Nov  10, 2016: Submission Deadline
Nov 24, 2016: Acceptance Notification
Dec  1, 2016: Final papers due
Dec 10, 2016: Workshop date

In many real-world applications, machine learning algorithms are
employed as a tool in a ''constructive process''. These processes are
similar to the general knowledge-discovery process but have a more
specific goal: the construction of one-or-more domain elements with
particular properties. In this workshop we want to bring together domain
experts employing machine learning tools in constructive processes and
machine learners investigating novel approaches or theories concerning
constructive processes as a whole. Interesting applications include but
are not limited to: image synthesis, drug and protein design,
computational cooking, generation of art (paintings, music, poetry).
Interesting approaches include but are not limited to: deep generative
learning, active approaches to structured output learning, transfer or
multi-task learning of generative models, active search or online
optimization over relational domains, and learning with constraints.

Many of the applications of constructive machine learning, including the
ones mentioned above, are primarily considered in their respective
application domain research area but are hardly present at machine
learning conferences. By bringing together domain experts and machine
learners working on constructive ML, we hope to bridge this gap between
the communities.

We welcome contributions on both theory and applications related to
constructive machine learning problems. We also welcome submissions
containing previously published content in fields related to machine
learning, especially descriptions of real-world problems and
applications. We welcome work-in-progress contributions, demo and
position papers, as well as papers discussing potential research
directions. Submission of previously published work or work under review
is allowed. However, preference will be given to novel work or work that
was not yet presented elsewhere. All double submissions must be clearly
declared as such!

Submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, significance,
technical quality, and clarity. All accepted papers will be presented as
posters and among them a few will be selected for the oral presentation.

Submissions should use the NIPS style file, with a maximum of 4 pages
(excluding references). Accepted papers will be made available online at
the workshop website, but the workshop proceedings can be considered
non-archival. Submissions need not be anonymous. All papers should be
submitted via easychair at the following link:

** The winners of the best paper award will receive a new PS4Pro **

Ruslan Salakhutdinov (CMU, deep generative models)
Thorsten Joachims (Cornell, coactive learning)
Gisbert Schneider (ETH, de novo drug design)
Simon Colton (Goldsmiths University of London, computational creativity)
Douglas Eck (Google, music generation)
Ross Goodwin (NYU ITP, computational creative writing)
Florian Pinel (IBM, cognitive cooking)

Fabrizio Costa (University of Freiburg)
Thomas Gaertner (University of Nottingham)
Andrea Passerini (University of Trento)
Francois Pachet (SONY Computer Science Laboratory Paris)

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