Connectionists: Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Machine Learning at University of Bath, UK

Michael Tipping M.Tipping at
Wed May 18 07:39:31 EDT 2016

Dear Connectionists,

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath is seeking an academic with internationally leading expertise in the field of Machine Learning, excellent track record and outstanding potential to lead research activity and funding bids.  Although we are planning to appoint at Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) level, we will also consider appointing to a Reader (Associate Professor) or Lecturer (Assistant Professor) post, with corresponding salary range, if that is appropriate to the successful candidate.

The Department is structured in four research groups: Intelligent Systems, Visual Computing, Human-Computer Interaction and Mathematical Foundations.  This appointment is part of a strategic drive to strengthen and integrate our core research areas and will complement the recent appointment of Prof Mike Tipping.  The post holder will be expected to conduct excellent Machine Learning research and to create effective collaborations with Prof Tipping and colleagues across the Department's research groups and beyond.

Collaborations beyond the Department will be expected to include the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation and national and international collaborators in academia and industry.  Current industrial collaborators include The Imaginarium, The Foundry, BBC, Disney and others.  Academic collaborators include UCL, Cardiff, Oxford, Tsinghua, Zhejiang, São Paulo and others.

Applicants will normally be expected to hold a PhD and to have a developing or established international reputation for high quality publications, backed up by appropriate research funding and activity.  The successful applicant will be expected to carry out and supervise research in line with targets set by the Department and to take a lead in obtaining significant funding from UK and international sources.

The post holder will contribute to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and should therefore have a continuing commitment to maintaining the University's high standards in teaching and learning, with the ability to educate and inspire some of the brightest students in the country.  The post holder will also contribute to developing the importance and strength of Machine Learning in the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.

The post holder will also be expected to contribute to the administration, leadership and management of the Department's activities commensurate with the level of the appointment.

Both the Department and the University are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive working environment.  We are working to improve the gender balance within the Department and particularly welcome applications from women.

Interviews are expected to be held in June, and start date is anticipated to be September 2016.

For information and to apply see:

For informal discussion about the role, please contact Prof Eamonn O'Neill, E.ONeill at or +44 (0)1225 383216.

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