Connectionists: Announcing RENVISION workshop - 26 July 2016, Genoa, Italy

Vittorio Murino Vittorio.Murino at
Mon May 9 14:07:28 EDT 2016

Apologise for multiple copies

*Call for Participation

RENVISION workshop*
Genova,  26th July 2016

This workshop will constitute a unique opportunity to learn about the 
R&D performed in the project “Retina-inspired ENcoding for advanced 
VISION tasks  (RENVISION)”, funded by the European Union FP7 FET (Future 
Emerging technology) proactive program Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems Call 
9, /to investigate pan-retinal signal processing at high spatio-temporal 
resolution, through neuroscientific, optical and computational 
approaches involving advanced pattern recognition and machine learning 

In addition to the talks of RENVISION partners, presentations of invited 
speakers are also included, such as:

    Olivier Marre (Vision Institute, Paris)

    Katrin Franke (Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience,

    Vidhyasankar Krishnamoorthy (University Medical Center, Goettingen)

    Stefano Panzeri  and Arno Onken (Italian Institute of technology
    IIT, Rovereto)

We believe that this will be a unique opportunity to discuss and develop 
very cross-disciplinary research in the field of biological and 
computational vision.

This 1-day workshop will be held on *26th July 2016 at the Italian 
Institute of technology (IIT), Genoa (Italy)*, and the participation is 
free of charge.

To register follow the link, deadline for 
registration is 20^th June 2016.

The detailed working program and the list of invited speakers and 
contributions can be found on the webpage

For any further information send an email to 
francesca.cella.zanacchi at 
<mailto:francesca.cella.zanacchi at>

Looking forward to see you in Genoa!


Vittorio Murino

Prof. Vittorio Murino, Ph.D.
PAVIS - Pattern Analysis & Computer Vision

IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego 30
16163 Genova, Italy

Phone:	+39 010 71781 504
Mobile: +39 329 6508554
Fax: +39 010 71781 236
E-mail:vittorio.murino at

Secretary: Sara Curreli
email:	sara.curreli at
Phone: 	+39 010 71781 917

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