Connectionists: Post-Doc in Bordeaux, application deadline 01/04/2016 (1 week)

Nicolas P. Rougier Nicolas.Rougier at
Fri Mar 25 04:30:04 EDT 2016

Actor–critic models of the basal ganglia
Postdoc in Bordeaux (12 months), France

Application deadline 01/04/2016. 

Details & application at:

Nicolas Rougier


Actor–critic models of the basal ganglia

We developed a model of the basal ganglia (Piron et al., 2016) that
introduces an action selection mechanism that is based upon the competition
between a positive feedback through the direct pathway and a negative
feedback through the hyperdirect pathway. The model also exploits the
parallel organization of circuits between the basal ganglia and the cortex
using segregated loops: one loop allows to choose the cue and one loop
allows to make the actual motor selection. Learning occurs between the
cognitive cortex and the cognitive striatum using a simple reinforcement
learning where the values of the different cues are updated after each
decision. As in most computational models of the basal ganglia, this model
relies on an actor-critic architecture where the dopamine signal is used to
encode the temporal difference prediction error signal in the critic (Joel
et al., 2002; Khamassi et al., 2005). However, this algorithm is not very
elaborated and its implementation is not biologically plausible since
values are stored outside the model.

The objectives of this postdoc is thus to review and to re-implement
(Python) main actor-critic models of the literature in order to compare
them on a common set of decision tasks (two-arm bandit task for example) in
terms of biological plausibility and performances. Special attention will
be given to the "Primary Value and Learned Value Pavlovian Learning
Algorithm" model (O'Reilly, 2007) and the AGREL model (Roefselma et
al. 2005). From these replications (that will be published in ReScience),
the most plausible and compatible mechanisms will be implemented in our own
model of the basal ganglia in order to replace the current reinforcement
learning algorithm (Guthrie et al., 2013, Piron et al. 2016).


PhD in computational neuroscience or computer science (machine learning)
with strong experience in Python & the scientific Python stack (numpy,
scipy, matplotlib, git/github).

• Joel, D., Niv, Y., & Ruppin, E. (2002). Actor–critic models of the basal
  ganglia: New anatomical and computational perspectives. Neural Networks,
  15(4-6), 535–547.
• Khamassi, M., Lachèze, L., Girard, B., Berthoz, A., Guillot,
  A. (2005). Actor-critic models of reinforcement learning in the basal
  ganglia: From natural to artificial rats. Adaptive Behavior, 13 (2).
• Guthrie, M., Leblois, A., Garenne, A., & Boraud, T. (2013). Interaction
  between cognitive and motor cortico-basal ganglia loops during decision
  making: a computational study. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(12).
• C. Piron, D. Kase, M. Topalidou, M. Goillandeau, H. Orignac, T. N'Guyen,
  N.P. Rougier, T. Boraud, The globus pallidus pars interna in goal oriented
  and habitual behavior. Resolving an old standing paradox, Movement
  Disorders, (2016), to appear.
• O'Reilly, R. C., Frank, M. J., Hazy, T. E., & Watz, B. (2007). PVLV: The
  Primary Value and Learned Value Pavlovian Learning Algorithm. Behavioral
  Neuroscience, 121(1).
• Roelfsema, P.R., van Ooyen A. (2005). Attention-gated reinforcement
  learning of internal representations for classification. Neural

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