Connectionists: PhD student position at University of Bremen in machine learning and signal processing

Felix Putze felix.putze at
Mon Mar 21 19:39:02 EDT 2016

At the Cognitive Systems Lab (headed by Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz) at the 
University of Bremen, Germany, we currently have an open position for a 
research assistant/PhD student (36 months, fully funded at 100% on the 
German employee scale TV-L 13). The project in the area of medical 
engineering aims at the development of an intelligent, sensor-based knee 
bandage. The successful applicant will work on machine learning and 
signal processing techniques for the classification of postures, 
activities and physical strain from IMU and EMG data, with application 
to human-computer interfaces. The project involves collaboration with 
partners from academia and industry. The Cognitive Systems Lab offers a 
vibrant and friendly research environment, a fully-equipped data 
recording laboratory, and ample experience in machine learning, signal 
processing and human-computer interaction.

For more details, see the full description in English at: 

Best regards,
Felix Putze

Dr.-Ing. Felix Putze
E-Mail: felix.putze at
Phone: +49 421 218 64272

University of Bremen
Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL)
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5 (Cartesium)
28359 Bremen

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