Connectionists: [BY AUG 11] Brain Informatics and Health - Call for Abstracts
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Fri Jul 29 04:05:36 EDT 2016
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The titles of Keynote & Feature Talks for BIH'16 are now open.
Type II (Abstract) Submission Deadline: August 11, 2016 (EXTENDED!!)
The 2016 International Conference on Brain Informatics & Health (BIH'16)
October 13-16, 2016, Hilton Omaha, USA
*** On-Line Submission ***
Stephen Smith, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Title: Shotgun Connectomic Analysis of Cortical Synaptic Networks
Ivan Soltesz, Stanford School of Medicine
Title: Mechanisms of Network Oscillations in Data-Driven Full-Scale
and Rationally Derived Simple Models of the Hippocampus
Steven Schiff, Pennsylvania State University
Title: Model-Based Observation and Control for the Brain: From Control
of Seizures and Migraines, to Reducing Infant Brain Infections in Africa
Kristen Harris, University of Texas at Austin
Title: Analytical Challenges to Understanding Subcellular Resource
Allocation for Synaptic Plasticity and Homeostasis
Giulio Tononi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Consciousness: From Theory to Practice
Bob Jacobs, Colorado College
Title: Cortical Neuromorphology beyond Rodents and Primates:
A Personal Journey
Partha Mitra, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Title: Neuron Trees in the Brain Jungle: Mapping Brainwide Connectivity
Paola Pergami, George Washington University
Title: Big Data and Advanced Imaging in Clinical Decision Making:
Are We There Yet?
The BIH series provides a premier forum that brings together researchers
and practitioners from neuroscience, cognitive science, computer
science, data science, artificial intelligence, information
communication technologies, and neuroimaging technologies with the
purpose of exploring the fundamental roles, interactions as well as
practical impacts of Brain Informatics.
BIH'16 addresses the computational, cognitive, physiological,
biological, physical, ecological and social perspectives of brain
informatics, with a strong emphasis on emerging trends of big data
analysis and management technology for brain research, behaviour
learning, and real-world applications of brain science in human health
and well-being.
BIH'16 will be co-located with the 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference Web Intelligence (WI'16) (
Under our theme Connecting Network and Brain with Big Data, BIH'16 and
WI'16 will provide a broad forum that academia, professionals and
industry can use to exchange their ideas, findings and
strategies in utilizing the power of human brains and man-made
networks to create a better world. The attendees only need to
register for one of the 2 conferences, but they can attend all
sessions and social events of the 2 conferences.
Submission of Abstracts: August 11, 2016 (EXTENDED!!)
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: August 15, 2016
Registration for Type II Authors: August 22, 2016
Tutorials, Workshop and Special-Sessions: October 13, 2016
Main Conference: October 14-16, 2016
TYPE-II (Abstract Submissions; Deadline: August 11, 2016 **EXTENDED**):
Abstracts have a word limit of 500 words. Experimental research is
particularly welcome. Accepted abstract submissions will be included
in the conference program, and will be published as a single,
collective proceedings volume.
Title: Include in the title of the abstract all words critical for a
subject index. Write your title in sentence case (first letter is
capitalized; remaining letters are lower case). Do not bold or
italicize your full title.
Author: List all authors who contributed to the work discussed in the
abstract. The presenting author must be listed in the first author
slot of the list. Be prepared to submit contact information as well as
conflict of interest information for each author listed.
Abstract: Enter the body of the abstract and attach any applicable
graphic files or tables here. Do not re-enter the title, author,
support, or other information that is collected in other steps of the
submission form.
Presentation Preference: Authors may select from three presentation
formats when submitting an abstract: "poster only", "talk
preferred" or "no preference". The "talk preferred" selection
indicates that you would like to give a talk, but will accept a poster
format if necessary. Marking "poster only" indicates that you would
not like to be considered for an oral-presentation session. Selecting
"no preference" indicates the author's willingness to be placed in the
best format for the program.
Each paper or abstract requires one sponsoring attendee (i.e. someone
who registered and is attending the conference). A single attendee can
not sponsor more than two abstracts or papers.
Oral presentations will be selected from both full length papers and
*** Post-Conference Journal Publication ***
The BIH conferences have the formal ties with Brain Informatics
journal (Springer, Accepted submissions
from the conference, including their Best Paper Award papers, will be
expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the Brain Informatics
journal each year. It is fully sponsored and no any
article-processing fee is charged for BIH authors.
*** Topics and Areas ***
Track 1: Investigations of Human Information Processing Systems (HIPS) and
Computational Foundations of Brain Science
Track 2: Information Technologies for Curating, Mining and Using Brain
Big Data
Track 3: Brain-Inspired Technologies, Systems and Applications
Please find the topics and areas of interest of BIH'16 at
*** On-Line Submission ***
A Celebration to the 60th Anniversary of AI
This year, the Brain Informatics & Health (BIH) conference is
especially dedicated to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of
Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the past years, the attempt by
brain scientists to understand how the human brain works has never
stopped. Meanwhile, the AI researchers also have been striving to
formalize the structure and function of human brain, aiming at
creating computers and computer software with capacity of intelligent
behavior. By integrating techniques and academic researchers, abundant
brain-inspired achievements have been yielded. Recently, the
so-called neuromorphic computer architectures-chips, that mimic the
human brain's ability to be both analytical and intuitive to deliver
context and meaning to big data, have been invented and showed us the
promising future of AI. There's never been a more exciting moment
than now, in neuroscience, cognitive science, computer science, and
AI. Brain Informatics (BI) has extended and made use of artificial
intelligence for new products, services and frameworks that are
empowered by the World Wide Web. By means of brain data collected
globally and systematic researches on the human brain across macro,
meso, and micro scales, i.e., mind and behavior, brain cognition and
structure, neuronal morphology and gene, BI is committed to developing
big data for sharing mind on the Wisdom Web of Things (W2T), and
disclosing the intrinsic qualities of human intelligence.
As a part of the celebration to the sixty years of AI, BIH'16 will
be co-located with Web Intelligence (WI) 2016, and proudly host two
distinguished brain scientists, Dr. Stephen Smith and Dr. Ivan Soltesz
as the BIH keynote speakers, as well as two Turing Award laureates,
Dr. Leslie Valiant (Turing Award 2010) and Dr. Butler Lampson (Turing Award
1992) as the WI keynote speakers, for the community to share with their
intelligent, wisdom minds. We also will organize a panel on
Connecting Network and Brain with Big Data and invite keynote/feature
speakers of the 2 conferences as panelists.
General Chairs
Hesham Ali (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Deepak Khazanchi (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Yong Shi (University of Nebraska at Omaha/Chinese Academy of Sciences)
BIH'16 PC Chairs
Giorgio Ascoli (George Mason University, USA)
Michael Hawrylycz (Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA)
BIH'16 Workshop/Special-Session/Tutorial Chairs
Bingni Wen Brunton (University of Washington, USA)
Arvind Ramanathan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Yi Zeng (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
BIH'16 Publicity Chairs
Kate Cooper (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Weidong Cai (University of Sydney, Australia)
Henning Muller (HES-SO, Switzerland)
Local Organizing Committee
Prithviraj (Raj) Dasgupta
Zhengxin Chen
Peter Wolcott
Haifeng Guo
Mark Pauley
Wikil Kwak
Kerry Ward
Dhundy (Kiran) Bastola
Kate Cooper (publicity)
Bettina Lechner (webmaster)
BIH Steering Committee Co-chairs
Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Hanchuan Peng (Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA)
*** Contact Information ***
kdempsey at
MikeH at
ascoli at
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