Connectionists: International Computational Psychiatry Course: Registration closing soon

Petzschner Frederike petzschner at
Wed Jul 27 08:55:30 EDT 2016


International Computational Psychiatry Course
Zurich, 29th August - 2nd September 2016

The registration for the international Computational Psychiatry Course<> at Zurich  (29th of August - 2nd September 2016) is closing soon.


The course is meant to be practically useful for students and scientists who would like to apply modelling techniques to study learning, decision-making and brain physiology in patients with psychiatric disorders. It will not only teach the theory of computational modeling, but also demonstrate open source software from multiple labs in it’s application to example data sets. The goal is that students attending this course can go home with a clear idea of which freely available software exists and how it can be applied to concrete problems, enabling them to use computational models with more expertise and confidence in their own scientific work.


The course will consist of four parts:
The first day will cover topics in Psychiatry (Mood disorders, Autism, Addiction, Psychosis) providing a conceptual basis for the type of questions that Computational Psychiatry will need to address.

The second day will explain basic modelling principles (Model Selection, Model Averaging, Inversion Techniques...)

The third and forth day will include presentations on existing modelling techniques and the application of open source software to concrete problems and datasets.

The last day will feature a series of talks on practical applications of computational models to problems from psychiatry and neuroeconomics.



Eduardo Aponte (Zurich)
Dominik Bach (Zurich)
Rafal Bogacz (Oxford)
Ed Bullmore (Cambridge)
Christian Büchel (Hamburg)
Huang Crane (Tulsa)
Jean Daunizeau (Paris)
Nathaniel Daw (Princeton)
Hanneke Den Ouden (Nijmegen)
Stefan Frässle (Zurich)
Karl Friston (London)
Helene Haker Rosser (Zurich)
Jakob Heinze (Zurich)
Quentin Huys (Zurich)

Christoph Mathys (London)
Janaina Miranda (London)
Read Montague (Virginia Tech)
Rosalyn Moran (Virginia Tech)
Saee Paliwal (Zurich)
Martin Paulus (Tulsa)
Frederike Petzschner (Zurich)
Lionel Rigoux (Cologne)
Katharina Schmack (Hamburg)
Dario Schöbi (Zurich)
Philipp Schwartenbeck (London)
Peggy Series (Edinburgh)
Klaas Enno Stephan (Zurich)
Lilian Weber (Zurich)


Course registration is closing soon:



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