Connectionists: Mediterranean Neuroscience 2017 - Call for Symposia
Demian Battaglia
demian.battaglia at
Thu Feb 18 08:57:50 EST 2016
Mediterranean Neuroscience 2017 - Call for Symposia
The next Conference of the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS, will be held in Malta in June 9-12th 2017.
The MNS has been created to support and help strengthen all initiatives that bring together neuroscientists from European, Mediterranean and MENA region countries.
It is a member society of IBRO (, belonging to both European and African chapters of the international organization.
The MNS works towards three main objectives:
1) Strengthen exchanges between mediterranean neuroscientists
2) Promote education in the neurosciences and increase public awareness of progress made (organizing e.g. Euro-mediterranean master programs)
3) Sustain the Mediterranean Neuroscience Conference, as an open forum for neuroscience discussions and team-building across the North-South shores of the Mediterranean
The last Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience was organized in June 2015 in Sardinia (Italy). The call for symposia for the next MNS conference is now open
Symposia dealing with all areas of neuroscience research, including computational and systems neuroscience or neuroimaging are invited. The symposium organizer should submit a proposal in the following format:
- Title of the symposium
- Name(s) and address(s) of the organizer(s)
- General abstract of the symposium describing the aims of the symposium (no more than 500 words)
- Name, address, e-mail, Country and title of the presentation of each speaker (no abstracts are requested at this stage)
- Use Times New Roman in 12 point and 1.5 spacing, with the title underlined.
A typical symposium gathers 4-5 speakers, each addressing the general topic from a different perspective. Total allocated time is 2 hours. The conference language will be English.
The participation of scientists from MENA countries, whether as organizers of symposia or as speakers, is highly encouraged. The gender ratio within each proposal will also be taken into account to reach a decision. MNS has limited funding for conferences and does not reimburse speakers expenses. We will offer however a common location, logistic support, allowing a larger visibility for the proposed initiatives. The MNS and its partners will also provide a limited number of stipends for qualified young candidates.
Deadline for submitting a proposal is May 15th, 2016.
Proposal can be submitted at the website:
For informations you can contact: Demian Battaglia (demian.battaglia at or Marc Landry (marc.landry at
----> If you want a mediterranean FENS... propose your symposium and make this Mediterranean Neuroscience conference alive!
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