Connectionists: Postdoctoral position in latent variable analysis for data fusion
2016 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning fo Signal Processing
Wed Feb 10 08:00:10 EST 2016
Postdoctoral position in latent variable analysis for data fusion
Starting date: April 2016 to December 2016
Duration: One to four years (initial appointment is for one year)
Location: Machine Learning for Signal Processing Laboratory
( at University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD and Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
working with Drs. Tülay Adali and Justin Brooks
The main goal of the project is contributing to the understanding of
human behavior and hence to develop novel methods to predict an
individual’s future performance. This will require incorporation of
multiple factors and their interactions into the analysis, spanning
multiple time scales across a large group of individuals. The emphasis
will be on fusion of multiple physiologic signals, as well as their
analysis/fusion with other available data such as social and behavioral
The candidate should have a strong background in statistical signal
processing and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Math/Statistics, or in
a related field. In addition, background
in the theory and practice of
latent variable analysis methods such as blind source separation is
highly desirable. Familiarity with the processing of medical data is
another plus.
To apply: If interested, please send your application along with a
complete CV and contact information of at least three references to
Tülay Adali
at adali at
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