Connectionists: Fully funded PhD position, University of Genoa, Italy - Binocular visuomotor systems

Silvio P. Sabatini silvio.sabatini at
Tue Apr 26 12:14:16 EDT 2016

Applications are invited for a fully-funded three-year PhD student 
position at
"The Physical Structure of Perception and Computation" (PSPC) lab of the 
of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS),
University of Genoa, Italy.

The position will start on Nov 1st, 2016 on the following research project:

**Modeling the impaired binocular visual system**

Expected results will concern: 1) a better understanding of the neural 
mechanisms that
underlie the healthy and impaired visual system, 2) developing and 
assessing diagnostic
and therapeutic methodologies for visual impairments, 3) inspiring 
design principles for
artificial visual systems.

The project will provide the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary 
environment in
collaborations with engineers, neuroscientists and clinicians.

Ongoing cooperations, at international level, and especially with:
- Prof. Peter J. Bex, Translational Vision Lab, Northeastern University, 
Boston, MA.
- Prof. Marty Banks, BanksLab, University of California - Berkeley, CA.
will ensure a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating environment.

The PhD will be fully funded, including stipend (EUR 1230 per month 
after taxes), fees, and a research
training and support grant (EUR 1650 per year).


Candidates must have:
- a University degree at Master level (or expect to obtain it by October 
31st, 2016)
   in Bioengineering, Computer Science, Physics, Applied Mathematics or 
related disciplines;
- a keen interest in reverse-engineering the brain;
- essential skills in Matlab and/or C/C++/C# or Python programming. 
Knowledge on
   computational neuroscience, machine learning, image processing are a 
   Experience   with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and CUDA 
programming is also a plus.

Online application is possible till June 10th, 2016 (at noon) Italian time

Full details on the call and the application procedure are available at:

_Informal inquiries regarding the position are encouraged.__
__Please contact:_
Silvio P. Sabatini (silvio.sabatini at
Also, a post-doc of mine (Agostino Gibaldi) will be available throughout 
the VSS 2016 conference,
so please send him an email (agostino.gibaldi at if you would 
like to set up a meeting.

* * WHERE*

DIBRIS is a unique inter-school department of the University of Genoa, 
bridging together
researchers from the former Science and Engineering Faculties. It offers 
an excellent
multidisciplinary, interactive and collaborative research environment 
combining expertise
in computer vision, computational neuroscience, neuromorphic computing, 
and mechatronics.

PSPC-Lab has a long-standing expertise in visual coding and 
multidimensional signal
representation, robot perception and computer vision. In the last years, 
the lab's
research activity focused on the analysis of the structural mechanisms of
visuo-spatial cognition, responsible for orienting and interacting in 
the 3D space.

Our lab is located in Genoa, a small beautiful town in northern Italy, 
both from
historical (its historical center is the largest of Europe) and 
naturalistic point
of view (sea and mountains coexist creating a unique landscape).
Genoa is only 1.30h away from Milan by train and connected by plane to 
Rome (1.00h),
London (2h) and Paris (1.30h).


Silvio P. SABATINI, PhD                         [PSPC Research Group]
Professor of Bioengineering
DIBRIS - University of Genova     |  e_mail: silvio.sabatini at
Via Opera Pia, 11A                |  phone: +39 010 3532092/3532794
I-16145 Genova (ITALY)            |  fax:   +39 010 3532289/3536533

"Imagination is more important than knowledge..."   [Albert Einstein]

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