Connectionists: Machine Learning Position for Pattern Recognition in Sensory Data
Jörg Lücke
joerg.luecke at
Fri Sep 11 10:34:57 EDT 2015
The Machine Learning research group at the University of Oldenburg,
Germany, is seeking to fill a
PhD Research Position (Research Associate; wissenschaftliche/r
Mitarbeiter/in, E13 TV-L, 75%)
The PhD position is part of the Machine Learning group which develops
learning and inference technology for sensory data. The group is part of
the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all and the Department of Medical
Physics and Acoustics within the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
We pursue basic research, develop new technology, and apply our
approaches to different tasks with a focus on acoustic and visual data.
Our research combines modern probabilistic approaches, modern computer
technology and insights from the neurosciences. We develop novel methods
and improve existing methods for computer hearing, pattern recognition
and computer vision. Furthermore, we model biological information
processing and use the obtained insights to contribute to the
development of artificially intelligent systems. Research will be
conducted in close collaboration with leading international and national
research labs. Our Machine Learning research can be considered as part
of the Data Sciences, Computational Sciences, or Big Data approaches.
Salary levels of the positions are based on the TV-L scale of the German
public sector (Öffentlicher Dienst). After the deduction of health
insurance, pension tax and other taxes, the salary for the PhD positions
amounts to approximately 1650 EUR per month (see, e.g., for more information). Depending on the
experience and marital status of the candidates, the salary can be
higher. But note that the only definite sources for all information on
the position including salary, job description and application/selection
procedure is the central website of the University of Oldenburg, see:
The research focus of the position will be on the development of new
probabilistic learning algorithms, their theoretical foundations, and/or
their applications to high-dimensional sensory data. The project will
emphasize basic research for general purpose learning and pattern
recognition in connection with applications to specific tasks (acoustic
and other data).
At the starting time of the position applicants have to hold an academic
university degree (e.g. Master) in Physics, Computer Science,
Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or a closely related subject. Strong
analytical/mathematical skills, e.g. as obtained in
theoretical/mathematical courses of a Physics degree, are required for
all candidates. Furthermore, very good programming skills (e.g. python,
matlab, C++) are required. Prior experiences with Machine Learning
approaches and sensory data processing are a plus but are not strictly
required. Very good English language skills are required and German
language skills are desirable. The position can be filled immediately
and is available for two years with the intention of a further extension.
The appointed researcher will be part of a new working environment. The
research group has been established in the past year and is currently
extended. The group is located in a new building, and the Cluster of
Excellence Hearing4all is part of the German Excellence Initiative which
funds top-tier research in Germany. Numerous established and new
research groups within the Cluster and the University provide an
attractive scientific and social environment.
For more information about the research group visit
For more information about the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all visit
The University of Oldenburg is dedicated to increasing the percentage of
women in science. Therefore, female candidates are particularly
encouraged to apply. According to § 21 III NHG (legislation governing
Higher Education in Lower Saxony) preference will be given to female
candidates in cases of equal qualification. Handicapped applicants will
be given preference if equally qualified.
Please send your application preferably electronically (PDF) to Jörg
Lücke <joerg.luecke(at)> or per mail to: Carl von
Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät VI, Machine Learning, z. Hd.
Frau Jennifer Köllner, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany. The application
documents should contain: a short cover letter stating why you are
interested in the position, a CV, transcripts of BSc and MSc degrees (a
preliminary transcript if applicable), publications if applicable, and
two recommendation letters or contact details of two of your
past/current advisors). Please use "Research Associate Position, Machine
Learning" as subject line.
Please send your application until 8 October 2015.
Jörg Lücke (PhD)
Associate Professor
Machine Learning Lab and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg
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