Connectionists: PhD positions available in Systems Neuroengineering at the University of Minnesota

David Redish redish at
Fri Oct 30 17:14:54 EDT 2015

We would like to announce PhD positions available for our interdisciplinary
training program in *Systems Neuroengineering: *Interacting with the Brain:
Mechanisms, Optimization, and Innovation.   Funded by an IGERT grant from

Interested students should apply to one of the University of Minnesota's
PhD programs in Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering.

The program provides a generous stipend and tuition coverage as well as
access to cutting-edge research in neuroengineering. Minnesota is also home
to the largest collection of medical device manufacturers in the world and
our program provides opportunities for IGERT trainees to gain practical
experience working with these companies. Through our education and
research-training model, students in our program learn to develop the
skills to revolutionize neurotechnologies and advance our understanding of
neuroscience processes underlying these technologies.

The Systems Neuroengineering IGERT Program has over 40 outstanding faculty
members who have made significant contributions to neural decoding,
neuromodulation, neural interfacing, and neuroimaging research, and who are
committed to graduate training. Many of them are world class leaders who
have shaped where the field is in cutting-edge research, including
noninvasive brain-computer interface controlling quadcopter, deep-brain
stimulation, high field MRI imaging, and dynamic brain mapping.

Interested students should go to
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